Part 4: Chapter 7

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Narcissa Jo Malfoy - 26

Thomas Nott - 26

Athena Malfoy Potter - 27

Albus Potter - 27

Marco Zabini - 27

Aries Meyers - 36

Aries Meyers - 36

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February 2034

"Athena. Athena!"

"What Cissy?"

"Can we please go? Albus will kill me if he finds out I brought you down here; You're supposed to be resting."

They were shopping at a baby store in muggle London after they had lunch together. Athena had all five kids in tow; Three in a pushchair that the two eldest were pushing.

"Albus can piss off. This is my sixth child; I'm pretty sure I know how this goes. I need a few things for the new baby. Besides, he's with Marco and Thomas right now--" Athena broke off in the middle of her sentence. "I'm sorry Cissy. I didn't mean to mention him."

Narcissa Jo shrugged and picked up Hunter from his pushchair. "I'm fine. It's been a few months. How is he?"

Athena hesitated.

"Athena. I know you've seen him. He's Taylor's brother and she's your best friend. I'm sure you saw him when Taylor had Susana. I know, because I had to work hard to avoid seeing him when I went to visit her."

Athena sighed. "I promised Al I wouldn't say anything but, to be frank, Thomas is miserable without you. Al said the first week after your almost engagement he drank himself stupid every night and you obviously know he stopped going in to work since he works for you. He's a little better now since he started working from home, but he really misses you."

Narcissa Jo nodded and hugged Hunter closer to her chest but didn't say anything.

"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry Cissa Jo. Hold on. Edmon! Stop pulling your sister's hair!" Athena pulled her oldest son to her side and turned back to her sister. "Let's get this lot back to my house; I think someone needs a timeout."

As soon as they walked in the door, they were greeted with shouting. "Athena?! Is that you?" Albus came into the entryway and knelt down to help the kids out of their shoes. As soon as the little ones ran off he glared at his wife.

"When I left this morning to finish moving our things into the new house, you were in labor. I didn't want to leave but you said 'no, go ahead, it's still early. I'll call Cissa Jo and my mother and one of them will let you know when it's time.'"

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