Part 3: Chapter 1

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Athena: Warrior Princess

Scorpius 3rd Year

James 3rd Year

Albus 2nd Year

Marco 2nd Year

Athena 1st Year

September 3, 2018

"Draco I'm taking Narcissa Jo and Lyra to Ginny's for school!" Hermione called, from the foyer of their home in Godric's hollow. "I'm going to go straight to work from there! I'll see you later!"

She started to walk out the door with her two youngest daughters when Draco came calling after her. "Herms wait! We just got an owl from Headmistress McGonagall."

"What? About what? Are Scorpius and Athena okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

"Depends on your definition of 'okay'," Draco said, scanning the letter. "Athena's gotten into a fight. They need us to come to the school."

"A fight?!" Hermione replied incredulously. "What on earth for? She's only been there for three days!"

"It doesn't say." He grabbed his cloak from the hall closet and guided them all out the door and down the path, setting the security charms as they went. "Come on let's drop the girls off. Then we can apparate to Hogsmeade and walk up to the castle."

Narcissa Jo smiled up at her parents. "What trouble has Athena gotten into now mummy?"

"Shut it Narcissa Jo. It's none of your business what Athena does," Lyra said crossly, snapping at her older sister.

Narcissa Jo scowled and stomped off down the path behind Draco, taking his hand and leaving Lyra with their mother. Hermione rolled her eyes at her quarreling daughters and rushed Lyra along so they could go.

Hermione and Draco arrived at the gates to Hogwarts not too much later, only to be stopped by Filch.

"That old codger is still here?" Draco mumbled as the old caretaker hobbled over to them.

Hermione elbowed him in the side before smiling as politely as she could manage. "Hello Mr. Filch! The headmistress summoned us. May we go up and see her?"

"Oh yes," he said, frowning at them. "You were always troublemakers. Of course you'd be the parents of troublemakers. You know what they say...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." He leaned in toward Draco. "And that little girl of yours is a bad apple."

Hermione grabbed Draco's arm to prevent him from drawing his wand. She knew Filch was just trying to provoke them.

"Please just take us to the Headmistress' office," Draco replied through gritted teeth.

They followed Filch into the school and up to McGonagall's office with him grumbling all the way. McGonagall was waiting for them in front of the stone gargoyle with a stern look on her face and Draco felt his palms start to sweat. Most of his encounters with this woman when he was a student had been less than pleasant.

"Mr and Mrs. Malfoy," she said with a curt nod. "Follow me please."

They followed her into the office and saw their daughter perched on a chair facing McGonagall's desk, unharmed, with a haughty look on her face.

Draco took the seat on Athena's right and she smiled up at him. "Daddy! I missed you," she said, reaching for a hug.

"Oh no you don't Athena," Hermione said sternly from behind her.

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