Part 4: Chapter 4

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Albus - 28

Athena - 28

Edmon and Emlyn - 10

Iris and Eros - 5

Hunter - 3

Amelia - 1

May 2035

"Mrs. Potter you have a visitor."

Athena looked up from her work and frowned at her secretary. "I wasn't expecting anyone. Who is it?"

"The Minister of Magic ma'am."

"Oh my God let her in Ariel! That's my mother." Athena said with a roll of her eyes. She had hired this girl as a favor to Taylor but she was painfully dumb.

Hermione strolled through the door with a smile on her face. "Don't get up dear, I'll come to you."

"Mum what are you doing here?" Athena said as she hugged her mother.

"I came to visit my daughter who's putting my husband out of a job in a few months," she said with a wink.

Athena blushed. "Daddy says I'm ready for it."

"I think so too," Hermione said, taking the seat opposite Athena's desk. "But you also are six months pregnant with your seventh child; Aren't you tired?"

"Constantly," Athena said with a sigh. "But Aunt Ginny's been a great help with the kids and Edmon and Emlyn will be off to Hogwarts soon. I've worked so hard to get here, I'm not giving up now just because I'm a mum."

"I know sweetheart and I'm not telling you to. But maybe you and Al could take a little vacation? Before you have the baby and take over the company? Your father and I can watch the kids for a few days."

"I don't know," Athena said skeptically. "It'd be a hard sell to get Aunt Ginny to let me go anywhere; Especially when she finds out we're having twins."

"Twins!" Hermione said in disbelief. "Again?!"

"That's what I said," Athena replied dryly.

"Wow." Hermione sat back in her chair. "I guess it's not that surprising; Twins run on my side of the family too. How do you feel about having eight children?"

Athena sighed. "I honestly don't know. I mean I love them all so much but they're exhausting," she said with a smile. "Albus has been talking about quitting his job when the new babies come. I make more than enough for the family here so it's not a bad idea and he seems excited to do it."

"I'm sure the children would love to have their dad at home with them! But I still think it would be good for you two to have some alone time," Hermione said as she stood to leave. "Just think about it dear."

"I will mum. Thanks for coming to see me."

"Any time love. I miss having all of you at the house. I'm off to see Narcissa Jo this afternoon."

"Oh! Tell her I'm going shopping with Taylor this weekend if she wants to join."

Hermione scoffed. "Tell her yourself when you come to dinner tonight."

"Tonight? Why are we coming to dinner tonight?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "You've forgotten your father's birthday?"

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