Part 4: Chapter 5

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Athena Malfoy Potter - 29

Albus Potter - 29

Edmon and Emlyn - 10

Iris and Eros - 5

Hunter - 3

Amelia - 2

Virginia and Drake - 4 months

December 2035

"Why did we think this would be a good idea?" Athena asked, flopping down onto a nearby bench. She lifted little Virginia, more affectionately known as Ginny, from the pushchair to nurse her. They had decided to nickname their youngest daughter after Albus' mother as a thanks for everything she had done for them and their family. Draco was jealous according to Hermione until the second baby arrived, a boy, whom they named Drake.

Albus chuckled as he sat down next to her, looking every inch the devoted dad with Amelia strapped to his chest and Hunter on his back in a dual carrier while he pulled a wagon containing Iris, Eros, their cousin Harry II and Taylor and Marco's little girl, Susana.

"Are you not having fun love?" he asked, handing her the nursing cover.

"It's hot and the babies are fussy, so no, not really."

"Stay here; I'll go get you something cool to drink."

Albus walked away and Taylor came to sit beside her. "God I hate being pregnant," she groaned. Beads of sweat were rolling down her forehead and she looked a little green.

"I told you to stay home Tay but you didn't listen to me," Athena admonished.

"Like I was going to miss this!"

"Mummy I'm hungry."

Taylor turned her attention to her daughter. "We're going to eat in a few minutes sweetie. I need you to be patient."

"No! Feed me now!"

Athena raised an eyebrow and Taylor rolled her eyes. "This is all Marco's fault," she whispered to Athena. "He gives her whatever she wants, whenever she wants it, no questions asked."

Taylor opened her mouth to fuss at her daughter but stopped when she saw little Harry place his hand on Susana's arm.

"You're being a brat Susie. Your mum said we're going to eat soon so just be patient. Why don't you play the game with us while we wait?" He handed her a card and drew her attention the game he was playing with Iris and Eros.

Athena and Taylor dissolved into a fit of silent giggles as Susana accepted the card from Harry and stopped complaining immediately.

"What's so funny?" Jennifer asked, sitting down on the bench holding her and James' three year old daughter Lillian.

"Your son just reprimanded Susana," Athena answered, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Jennifer snorted. "Yeah he's been doing that to Lillian and his father as well. Mum Potter says it's because he's just like his namesake."

Athena laughed even harder, causing her sleeping daughter to stir. "He really is just like Uncle Harry."

"Speaking of our father in law," Jennifer started. "Where is he? And the rest of our parents? I only agreed to come on this trip because they all insisted that they would be the one with the little monsters."

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