Part 3: Chapter 17

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A Very Merry Malfoy Christmas: Part 2

The Malfoys - Aries - 26, Scorpius - 18, Athena - 18, Narcissa Jo - 16, Lyra - 14

The Potters: Teddy - 26, James - 19, Albus - 18, Lily - 16

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 17

The Zabinis: Marco - 18, Antonio - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

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December 25, 2024 The Malfoy Residence - Godric's Hollow

They might have kept Albus and Athena's little tryst a secret if Ginny hadn't dragged Albus outside and screamed at him until Harry came to calm her down.

Athena was the last to take a seat at the dinner table. All eyes turned to her when she sat down in the only available to Ginny. Her usual seat next to Albus was occupied by Draco. If they were trying to make Albus and Athena feel horrible, they were doing an excellent job.

Mr. Weasley cleared his throat awkwardly and made his annual toast before they all tucked in. Dinner was a subdued affair, for obvious reasons, with most of the noise coming from Makayla and little Remus.

After dinner, the kids fled the dining room in opposite directions as fast as they possibly could.

Theo found the whole situation to be quite funny and made a point of telling Draco he thought so while he, Draco and Blaise cleared the dining room. He went on and on about it until Draco was quite fed up with him.

"Lighten up mate! They're adults. They're not doing anything we weren't doing at their age."

"You wouldn't be saying that if it was your daughter," Draco replied through gritted teeth. "And you'd seen it." He shuddered in horror at the memory.

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