Part 1: Chapter 6

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"Draco you're not going toward the house," Hermione said from her spot in the passenger seat of their car.

"I'm aware."

"But I have to pack and we have to get Scorpius."

"I've already packed for you. And Scorpius is with Ginny."

"We're leaving my baby?! With Ginny?! Draco she has a newborn! Turn around. I'm not going anywhere without my baby." She folded her arms across her chest defiantly.

"Hermione relax. Your mother is picking him up from Ginny this afternoon. Mother Granger had some errands to run and Ginny helped me pack for you. She offered to keep him until your mother can get him."

"Oh. I still don't want to leave him," Hermione said nervously, biting on her lower lip.

Draco reached over and took Hermione's hand, kissing the back of it. "He'll be fine love, I promise. If there's any problems, your mother and Ginny know how to reach us. Now sit back and relax."

They rode in comfortable silence for awhile before Heathrow airport came into view. "You're taking me out of the country Draco?"

He grinned at her. "Very astute observation Mrs. Malfoy."

"No, Draco. Take me to my baby."

His smile faltered and he groaned. "Please don't be difficult Herms! Let me be romantic and whisk you away for the weekend. Scorpius will be fine and who knows when we'll get the chance to be alone once the new baby comes. I want- no I need some alone time with you."

She sighed and gave into her husband's pleas. His blonde hair was disheveled where he had run his hands through it. "Fine. But if anything happens to my baby--"

Draco's smile was back. "Nothing is going to happen Hermione."

"I can't believe we're going to Greece!" Hermione exclaimed happily from her seat on next to Draco. "How did you arrange this? You've never been on a plane before have you?"

Draco had gotten them cushy seats in first class so Hermione would be sure to be comfortable. She looked over at Draco who had a worried expression on his pale face.

"Your mother helped me," he replied shortly.

"Draco are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"How does this airplane thing work again? We're just supposed to trust this pilot who we've never met, to fly this giant metal container safely to Greece?"

Hermione stifled a laugh. "It's going to be fine Draco." When he didn't relax, she called the flight attendant over. "Can you get a glass of scotch for my husband here?"

The flight attendant rushed away and came back shortly with the drink. Hermione handed it to Draco. "What's this?"

"It's kind of like firewhisky. Just drink it; It'll help calm your nerves."

Soon they had landed in Athens, Greece and were in a cab on the way to their hotel. Hermione was giddy with excitement as they passed all the historical sites. Draco smiled at her enthusiasm; It reminded him of their first date.

Draco insisted that Hermione rest for awhile at the hotel before they went out to dinner. She begrudgingly sat and watched the telly with her feet up while Draco took a nap on the couch next to her.

The next thing she knew Draco was gently shaking her awake; She hadn't even realized she had fallen asleep.

"Hermione? I drew you a bath and I laid out your clothes for you in the bedroom." He offered her his hand to help her up from the couch.

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