Part 2: Chapter 2

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"Uh, Mrs. Malfoy?" Hermione's new secretary poked her head into her office.

"Yes Nicole?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you but a Mrs. Ginny Potter is here to see you. I told her you don't see people without appointments but she's refusing to leave."

Hermione chuckled. "Let her in Nicole. And in the future, I'm never too busy for Ginny."

Nicole disappeared from the door and Ginny came marching in with Hermione's three small children. "The nerve of that girl! I'm just trying to bring you your babies to have lunch with you. Where is Elise?" She demanded.

"She's working in the auror office now. I think she's hoping to join their training program," Hermione replied pulling Scorpius and Athena into a hug. "Have you two been good for Auntie Ginny?"

Scorpius nodded. "Yes mummy! Albus and me help Aunt Ginny a lot."

"Albus and I, sweetheart," Hermione corrected her son gently. She looked up at Ginny. "Did you want to go somewhere for lunch? Where are your kids?"

Ginny shook her head and pulled a shrunken cooler out of her bag. "I brought lunch with me," she said, enlarging the cooler to it's normal size. "And my mum has the kids right now. I was going to bring them with us but she insisted she keep them. She also wanted me to bring your little ones over to see her when we're done here. I'll drop them off at yours later."

"That's fine," Hermione said, taking Narcissa Jo out of her pushchair. "Thanks for keeping them until we find a nanny. My mum just can't handle all three of them. Especially now that Scorpius and Athena are having bursts of magic."

Ginny sat down in the chair across from Hermione's desk and helped settle the kids in with their lunches. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You know that before I had Lily, I was planning on going back to playing quidditch, right? I don't think I want to anymore."

"Really? But I know you miss it so much," Hermione replied in surprise.

"I know. But I don't want to miss out on the kids growing up and playing for the Harpies requires so much time away. I don't think I can handle that. Besides, I can get my quidditch fix from whipping your husband's butt on the weekends," she said with a grin.

They both laughed at the memory of the previous week's "friendly" quidditch match in which Ron, Harry and Ginny demolished Draco, Blaise and Theo.

"Anyway, I got an offer I couldn't refuse from the Daily Prophet."

"What did they offer?" Hermione asked, taking a bite of the sandwich Ginny had brought her.

"Senior Quidditch reporter."

"Oh Ginny that's wonderful!"

"I know! It's not too many hours, we get free tickets to all the matches and the best part is that I can work from home. So I've been thinking about it. I'll probably homeschool James, Albus and Lily like I did with Teddy until it's time for them to go to Hogwarts. And since you and Pansy's kids are around the same age as mine, I figure I can homeschool them too."

"Ginny that's like eight kids to look after!" Hermione replied in shock.

Ginny sniffed indignantly. "I can manage! Besides, your kids are very well behaved and mine are too. Except for James. Marco can be a handful at times as well but six out eight well behaved children isn't bad. My mum also offered to help if I need it."

"I don't know Ginny," Hermione said, her voice laced with skepticism. "What did Harry say?"

"He was a supportive little husband and pretended to encourage me to go back and play for the Harpies. But I know he wants me to be at home with the kids even if he doesn't say it," she replied, laughing. "He thinks it's a good idea though."

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