Part 3: Chapter 4

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A Very Merry Potter Christmas Continued

James Potter - 5th Year

Jennifer Boseman - 5th Year

Scorpius Malfoy 5th Year

Albus Potter - 4th Year

Rose Weasley - 4th Year

Athena Malfoy - 3rd Year

Narcissa Jo Malfoy - 2nd Year

Lily Potter - 2nd Year

Still December 25, 2020

"Albus what's going on?" Athena asked from their hiding place on the stairs as they looked down on the tense situation in the entryway.

"What's going on, is mum is going to kill James," he replied, seriously. "Come on," he whispered, heading back up the stairs.

"Wait, Al!" Athena hissed. "I want to see!"

"I know! Follow me," he said, taking her hand. "Mum may be mad but Gramma's here. She'd never purposely give Gramma a reason to criticize her. She's going to invite them in for tea and I'll bet they'll go into the drawing room."

They made it to the third floor and headed into the attic.

"Where are we going?" Athena, asked out of breath.

He dropped her hand and was searching for something on the floor. "Hold on! It's around here somewhere," he muttered to himself. "Ah! Found it!"

He pulled up on a ring in the floor and a trapdoor opened. There was a small window that looked down into the drawing room, where sure enough, Ginny and Harry were leading Jennifer and her family.

"What is this Al?"

"Mum had it installed when we were kids. It's a window from this side but you can't see it from the drawing room. I think she put it in so she could have alone time but still keep an eye on us while we were working on our studies. We can hear them too, but they can't hear us."

"That's bloody brilliant!" Athena exclaimed. "How do you know about it?"

He grinned at her sheepishly. "Followed mum up here one time under dad's cloak of invisibility. She downed half a bottle of firewhisky in one go and swore for like ten minutes straight. I think you, James and Lily had pulled a prank of her or something."

"Oh," she replied simply. "Now why is your mum going to kill James?"

"It's a really long story," Albus said, sitting down on the floor next to the little window.

She joined him on the floor and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I've got time."

He looked down at her and smiled. "When our parents were at Hogwarts, I think in dad's fifth year or maybe fourth year," he paused. "Whatever year he did the triwizard tournament—"

"That was his fourth year," Athena interjected.

Albus rolled his eyes. "I get it, you pay attention in history of magic," he said teasingly. "Anyway, dad had this massive crush on this girl Cho Chang but she was dating Cedric Diggory."

Athena's jaw dropped. "Cedric Diggory?! From when your dad-"

"Yes 'Thena. Are you going to let me finish the story so we can listen in?"

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