Part 3: Chapter 6

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The Naughty Nott Twins and the Missing Malfoy Continued

The Malfoys - Aries - 23, Scorpius - 15, Athena - 14, Narcissa Jo - 13, Lyra - 11

The Potters: Teddy - 23, James - 16, Albus - 15, Lily - 13

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 14

The Zabinis: Marco - 15, Antonio - 13

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 22, Rose - 15, Hugo - 13

Summer 2021: London

"Draco, I really think we should head back home."

"Hermione Granger-Malfoy. We have only been gone for six hours. And I've only brought you to London. You said you wanted to see the new changes to the hotel here didn't you?."

"Well yes but-"

"Let's just enjoy our dinner and we'll see how you feel after okay?"

She smiled and conceded as their food was brought to the table.

"So," Draco started. "Our schedules have been so busy lately, I feel like I'm missing out on everything. Catch me up. What's been going on at work? Don't leave out any details."

Hermione beamed at her husband. Even after all the years of their marriage, she still felt butterflies when he smiled at her. "Well, as you know, Kingsley is planning on stepping down as Minister in a few years and he wants me to be his successor. I won't have to full on campaign until 2023 but he's started grooming me for it."

"And what does that entail?"

"As Head of Magical Law Enforcement, I'm already a part of the justice process but he's started to include me in the other departments. Last week, I sat in on a meeting with the President of MACUSA and we discussed diplomacy and the state of magical education in our countries."

"Interesting," Draco responded politely.

Hermione laughed. "You don't have to lie! It was painfully boring. Until he mentioned starting a tournament similar to the triwizard tournament."

Draco froze with his fork halfway to his mouth. "What?! Do they not remember the last triwizard tournament?! Harry still has nightmares about that!"

"Draco keep your voice down! Hermione hissed. "It's supposed to be a secret for now! And while I think you're a great friend for worrying about Harry," she said teasingly. "I said something like the triwizard tournament. I suggested that we do more academic competition and for the practical skills we will screen everyone involved to prevent any tragedies from occuring."

"Of course you would want an academic competition," Draco laughed.

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him. "Anyway, Kingsley put me in charge of organizing it. There will be a school wide competition at each school of magic in the spring and the top two students per year will move on to the final competition which will take place over the summer at the World Quidditch cup finals."

"Wow! Herms that actually sounds really awesome! Was that your idea?"

She nodded and took a sip of her wine. "Kingsley really thinks it will encourage unity within the international magical community and cement Britain's status as a leader. It'll start the 2022 school year."

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