Part 3: Chapter 5

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The Naughty Nott Twins and The Missing Malfoy

James Potter - Entering 6th Year

Scorpius Malfoy - Entering 6th Year

Albus Potter - Entering 5th Year

Rose Weasley - Entering 5th Year

Athena Malfoy - Entering 4th Year

Taylor Nott - Entering 4th Year

Thomas Nott (Pictured Above) - Entering 4th Year

Narcissa Jo Malfoy - Entering 3rd Year

Lily Potter - Entering 3rd Year

Lyra Malfoy - Entering 1st Year

Summer 2021

"Draco are you sure it's okay to leave the kids for the weekend?" Hermione asked as Draco prepared the portkey. "Why don't we just wait until the fall when they go back to Hogwarts?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "They're all teenagers; They can stay out of trouble for a few days. Besides, Aries and Melissa will be here in a few hours to stay with them."

"Somehow, leaving our children and our house in the care of two dragon tamers doesn't exactly make me feel better. And Lyra's barely eleven."

"Herms come on! We haven't gone on vacation just the two of us in a really long time and once we get back, you'll be full on campaigning for Minister for Magic and we really won't have any alone time. Let's go. Everything will be fine."

Hermione chewed on her bottom lip nervously but nodded and took his hand. He kissed the back of her hand and smiled at her, pulling her close. "You worry too much love. Let's try to have some fun this weekend."

"Can you at least tell me where we're going? We've been so many places now I don't know how you still manage to surprise me."

"Of course I won't tell you where we're going," he replied with a cheeky grin. "Now hold tight to me, we don't want you to fall."

She smiled up at her husband excitedly. "Sure, that's why you want to hold me close," she said laughing as she felt the familiar pulling sensation behind her navel as the portkey activated.


"Are they gone?" Athena asked, peeking out the curtains into the backyard.

"I think so," Scorpius responded with a grin.

"Yes!" Athena high fived her brother. "Let the fun begin! Send an owl to the Weasleys and Zabinis, I'll take the Potters and--"

"Can I help?" Narcissa Jo asked timidly, stepping into the room.

Scorpius and Athena shared a look. "Uh sure, Cissy," Scorpius replied. "Why don't you send an owl to the Notts?"

Narcissa Jo beamed at her big brother and nodded excitedly, running from the room to perform her task.

"Did you really have to include her?" Athena asked, annoyance in her voice.

"Athena why do you always have to be so mean to her? She just wants to be included."

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