Part 3: Chapter 15

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A New Normal

The Malfoys - Aries - 26, Scorpius - 18, Athena - 18, Narcissa Jo - 16, Lyra - 14

The Potters: Teddy - 26, James - 19, Albus - 18, Lily - 16

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 17

The Zabinis: Marco - 18, Antonio - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 25, Rose - 18, Hugo - 16

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November 2024 - The Malfoy Residence in Godric's Hollow

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November 2024 - The Malfoy Residence in Godric's Hollow




Hermione jumped and turned her attention away from the radio to look at her husband. "Huh? What, what's wrong?"

Draco chuckled. "You okay there love?"

She sighed. "Yeah I'm fine. The suspense is killing me though. I wish they'd hurry it up! Why is it taking so long? We have magic for goodness sake!"

Draco rubbed her back gently. "Relax honey. I'm sure it will be soon."

"Need a drink?" Ginny asked from the other couch.

"That would be great. Firewhisky. Neat." Hermione responded without looking up.

"Didn't know you drank like that mum," Scorpius said with a laugh.

"Well when the stakes are this high..." she trailed off and stood up to pace. "Draco when will the girls get here?"

Draco looked at his watch. "Uhh McGonagall said Harry could get them as soon as they were done with classes so they should be here pretty soon."

"'Mione seriously. Relax," Ginny said, handing her the firewhisky.

"How can I relax when everything I've worked my entire life for is being decided right now?!"

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