Part 2: Chapter 1

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September 1, 2009 King's Cross Station

"Aries do you have everything?" Hermione asked as she fussed over him. "Where's your owl?"

"Dad already put it on the train with my trunk."

"Okay what about your--"

"Mum I've got everything! Stop worrying; I'm going to be fine."

Hermione embraced her inherited son as Draco returned holding their one year old daughter Narcissa Jo Malfoy and holding Scorpius' hand.

"Got everything Aries? It's time to get on the train!" Teddy yelled to his best friend as Ginny peppered kisses all over his face.

"Okay. I love you Aries. Make sure you write me when you get there. And make sure you visit the library; You're going to love it. There are so many books to read! And--"

"Hermione let the boy breathe," Draco said, laughing. "Run along now Aries and have a great year. We'll see you at Christmas."

Aries grinned up at them and gave them one last hug before joining Teddy on the train. Hermione and Draco joined Harry and Ginny and waved at the train until it was out of sight.

"I can't believe they're already going to Hogwarts," Ginny said with a sigh, picking up her daughter Lily from her pushchair. Lily and Narcissa Jo coincidentally shared the same birthday.

"I know. It seems just yesterday we were the ones heading off to Hogwarts," Hermione replied. "Did you still want to take the kids to the park?"

"Yeah, Pansy is meeting us there. Let me just grab Albus from Harry and get Lily settled."

Harry turned around quickly. "I don't have Albus, Gin, I thought you did. I have James."

"What?! You don't have Albus? Well then where is my baby?!" Ginny eyes widened in fear as she stared at her equally startled husband.

Hermione turned to Draco. "Have you seen Albus, Draco? Wait." She looked around frantically. "Where's Athena? I thought you had Athena?!"

Draco just stood there with a dumb look on his face as Hermione felt all the blood drain from hers.

"DRACO! Albus and Athena are missing!"

When he didn't move she turned to Harry. "Harry do something! Our babies are missing! What if they were kidnapped?! Or fell onto the train tracks! Oh my God! Harry! Draco! Can you please do something?!" she shrieked angrily.

Hermione yelling at them, finally snapped the two men into action. Harry immediately sent a patronus to the auror office putting out an alert for the two missing children. Two aurors apparated to the scene immediately and the search began. Draco offered their car, a family friendly Range Rover that he and Hermione had charmed to fly, so they could search for the children from above. He sent a patronus to Pansy and Blaise asking them to come and get Hermione and Ginny who had momentarily gone into shock. When they arrived, Hermione refused to go with them. She snapped out of her panic mode and joined the rest of her department with a semiclear head. As head of Magical Law Enforcement she was right where she belonged. She sent Draco and Ginny to take the kids back to the Potter home with Pansy and Blaise.

Hours later they still hadn't found them and didn't have any leads on where the kids could be. Hermione and Harry arrived at the Potter home exhausted, hungry and cross. Kingsley had sent them home because they were snapping at everyone and preventing them from working efficiently. 

Ginny was inconsolable and Hermione felt herself on the edge of a breakdown as the two women clung to each other for support. Just when they all felt like they were going to lose it, they heard someone in the fireplace.

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