Part 1: Chapter 7

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"Hermione what the hell did you do?!"

"Ginny stop screaming! Do you want to wake the kids?!" Hermione hissed at her friend.

"Sorry 'Mione but how did you expect me to react to this egregious act?"

Hermione snorted. "I'm very impressed with your improved vocabulary."

"Shut up Hermione and pass me the damn sugar."

Hermione and Ginny were sat in a cafe in muggle London on the last Saturday in November, waiting on Pansy to arrive so they could go shopping. Having arrived first, Hermione ordered drinks for her friends and was just settling in with Scorpius who was napping in his pushchair. Ginny arrived shortly thereafter with Teddy, James and Albus in tow. How she managed to get around with three kids as well as she did, Hermione would never know.

"So why did you do it?" Ginny asked while comforting a fussy Albus.

"Cut my hair?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "No, why did you marry Draco," she replied sarcastically. "Yes cut your hair! Why on earth did you chop off all of your beautiful hair!"

They both looked over at James, who was shrieking with laughter as Teddy tickled him. They were receiving rude stares from the other patrons of the cafe. "Teddy dear, don't tickle your brother. I want him to fall asleep." Ginny turned back to Hermione. "Well?"

Hermione sighed. "It was just so annoying! I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy and it was just too much of a hassle. So I went to the salon this morning and had them cut it."

Ginny leaned in close. "You realize you're a witch right? It takes a simple flick of your wrist and your hair is out of the way."

"I'm not as adept as you and Pansy with hair spells."

Ginny shook her head in disbelief. "What did Draco say? Oh wait. Knowing you, he probably hasn't seen it yet, has he?"

Pansy came in at that moment, much to Hermione's relief. Marco was howling in his pram and Pansy looked like she had been ran over by a bus. Ginny handed sleeping Albus to Hermione and stood up, lifting Marco from the pram and comforting him. Pansy plopped into the chair next to Hermione.

"Thanks Gin. Hermione where the hell is your hair?" Pansy said as Teddy embraced her.

Hermione groaned. "Can we not talk about this please? And let's get going before I'm too worn out to go anymore."

They bundled up the kids once more and headed out into the frigid weather. Teddy excitedly pushed the pushchair with his little brothers in it, while Ginny, who was still holding Marco, warned him to be careful and go slowly. Hermione and Pansy walked slightly behind them talking quietly with each other.

"How does she manage it?" Pansy asked in awe.

"Manage what? The kids?"

Pansy nodded and Hermione laughed. "Well she's got three of them so she's had awhile to figure it out."

"I feel like I'm failing as a mother most days," Pansy commented as they entered the Leaky Cauldron. "Blaise stays at home with him so I feel like they've bonded more."

"I feel the same way with Scorpius and I'm sure even Ginny has her days. You remember when she attacked that man while breastfeeding James?"

They both laughed at the memory and Ginny turned around and stuck her tongue out at them, having overheard their conversation.

Hermione continued as they made their way into Diagon Alley. "The best thing you can do is take it day by day and know that the kid is going to love you no matter what."

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