Part 4: Chapter 3

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Scorpius Malfoy - 24

Rose Weasley - 24

James Potter - 25

Jennifer Potter - 25

Harry Potter II - 2 months

June 2030

"Mum? Do you have a few minutes to talk?" Scorpius stood at the door to the library in his childhood home where his mother was curled up in an armchair reading.

Hermione looked up and smiled at her son. "I always have time for you honey. Come sit down." She set her book on the table and looked expectantly at Scorpius. "What's on your mind? I'm all ears."

"Dad gave me a promotion today."

"Sweetie that's wonderful!" she said excitedly.

"I turned it down."

"Oh. Okay. Why?"

Scorpius took a deep breath. "I don't want to work at Malfoy International anymore. I want to be an artist. I'm going to go to muggle art school."

Hermione stared at him for a moment. "Finally! Oh thank Merlin; I was starting to worry you were going to torture yourself there forever."

"Wh, what? You're not upset?"

"Upset?! Why would I be upset? You're finally doing what you want to do with your life!"

"You mean you knew?" Scorpius asked incredulously.

"I'm your mother. Of course I knew," she scoffed.

"Well, who's going to take over Malfoy International if I don't? Aries left too. It's our family's legacy; We can't lose it."

Hermione snorted. "I'm pretty sure Athena's on track to run your father out of a job in the next five years. No offense honey, but there's no way Athena was going to let you get the top job over her."

Scorpius laughed. "Good point. She is a bit ruthless."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "A bit? Anyway, what did Rose say about you pursuing art?"

Scorpius shrugged. "I'm not sure; I haven't told her yet. She's not speaking to me right now."

"Why? What happened?"

"I'm not sure," he said with a sigh. "I took her out to dinner last night and gave her a gift for her birthday. I guess she didn't like it because she threw it at me, swore at me in hindi and left. I haven't heard from her since last night."

"What did you give her?" Hermione asked skeptically.

"A key to my house. I asked her to move in with me and she got angry. I'm not sure why. I even put it in a nice box with a bow on it."

"Wow," Draco said from the door, causing them both to look up in surprise. "For you to be my son, you're pretty stupid."

"Draco!" Hermione said. "Don't call my son stupid!"

"What? Herms you were thinking it too," Draco replied, lifting Hermione from her seat and settling into it.

"Hey! I was sitting there."

"I know," he said, pulling her into his lap.

"Um two things," Scorpius said. "One: can you at least wait until I leave to be all gross? And two: why exactly am I stupid?"

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