
4.9K 151 36

The Malfoys - Aries - 36, Scorpius - 29, Athena - 28, Narcissa Jo - 27, Lyra - 25

The Potters: Teddy - 36, James - 30, Albus - 28, Lily - 26

The Notts: Thomas and Taylor - 28

The Zabinis: Marco - 29, Antonio - 26

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 35, Rose - 29, Hugo - 26

The Weasleys (Ron and Padma): Ravi - 35, Rose - 29, Hugo - 26

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"Hermione relax, they'll be here."

"How do you know?" she replied, pacing back and forth in front of Draco as he sat on the sofa reading a book.

"Because they said they would be. You know Albus and Athena are always late for everything. They have to get all thirty of their offspring ready. It can't be an easy task."

Hermione's lips quirked upward in a slight smile. "They don't have thirty children."

Draco snorted. "Close enough."

"Mum is Athena here yet?" Narcissa Jo asked as she walked into the drawing room balancing her son on her hip.

"Not yet," Hermione replied.

"Oh good. Here dad can you take him for a few minutes?" She handed Draco the squealing child. "Thanks I'm going to take a nap. Wake me when it's time to go."

Hermione's head snapped up. "Go? Go where? Draco where are we going? What's going on? You said we were having a small dinner with the kids here at the house."

Draco glared at Narcissa Jo who was smiling sheepishly. "I meant, let me know when it's time to go to the dining room to eat, obviously mum." She glanced over at Draco who was shaking his head. "Thanks for holding him daddy. I'll be in my old room."

She dashed out of the drawing room leaving Hermione to glare at Draco. "Draco I thought we were done with the elaborate surprises."

"I never said that," he replied, standing up to bounce his crying grandson.

Delighted To Love You: A Dramione StoryWhere stories live. Discover now