Part 4: Chapter 9

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Lyra Malfoy - 26

Natalie Perez - 23

Nicolas Perez-Malfoy - 7

November 2036

"Lyra! Lyra! Where are you?"

"I'm in the kitchen with Nicolas!" Lyra called back to her wife. "Why are you shouting?"

She turned and saw Natalie standing in the doorway with a baby girl in her arms and a hesitant smile on her face.

"What is that?" Lyra asked skeptically.

"I couldn't just leave her, babe," Natalie replied, pleadingly.

"Nicolas, go to your room," Lyra said quietly.

"Why mum? I didn't do anything wrong."

"Now, please," Lyra said kissing the top of his head. "We'll finish your homework after dinner."

Nicolas climbed down from the table and grumbled as he left the kitchen of their home in London. Lyra cast muffliato behind him.


"Just hear me out, babe. I've been calling on this family who has been accused by neighbors and of abusing their daughter. I went to the house today for a wellness visit and they had packed up everything and moved, leaving this precious baby girl behind."

Lyra moved a little closer and peered at the beautiful brown-skinned baby with dark, tightly coiled, curly hair nestled in her wife's arms. "Why?"

"I have no idea; They didn't leave a note. Only her birth certificate with their names removed. But I think she may have magic," she whispered in awe.

Lyra chuckled at Natalie's description. She often forgot that Natalie was only a muggle and still didn't quite understand the wizarding world. "What makes you think that?"

"It was raining when I found her crying on the porch, but it was only raining over her," Natalie recounted with widened eyes. "When I picked her up, she stopped crying and the rain stopped too."

Lyra perked up at this statement. "Really?"

"Yeah! Do you want to hold her?" Natalie asked when she noticed Lyra peering at the baby curiously.

"Oh no! You know I can't handle babies. Athena won't even let me near her kids."

"Well that's because you dropped Amelia...on multiple occasions," Natalie said, rolling her eyes. "Here. Sit down and hold her while I finish up dinner for you."

Lyra reluctantly sat down and carefully held the sleeping child. "What's her name?" she whispered.

"Her name is Nicole. And why are you whispering?"

"I don't know!" Lyra hissed. "I might scare her or something."

Natalie laughed. "So can we keep her?"

Lyra scoffed. "She's not a stray puppy Natalie."

"So what do we do? She doesn't have any other family and if she is magical, I don't want to put her into the muggle foster system. She could end up abandoned or turn into an obstetrician or whatever that thing was you told me about when magical children don't learn to control their magic."

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