Part 2: Chapter 5

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"This has to be a joke."

"I'm afraid not Mrs. Malfoy." The woman sad with a tentative smile.

Hermione sighed and hopped down from the bed she was sitting on.

"Well, I guess I owe my husband a visit at work today," she said, putting Narcissa Jo and Athena in the double pushchair. "Come on girls! Let's go see daddy."

Hermione walked into Malfoy International Headquarters twenty minutes later with her two little girls in tow. She felt the familiar feeling of nostalgia as all of the employees greeted her warmly. She took the elevator up to Draco's floored and walked past Draco's secretary Michelle without saying a word to her.

"Mrs. Malfoy!" Michelle called after her and Hermione groaned inwardly.

"Yes Michelle?" she replied, adjusting Narcissa Jo on her hip.

"Mr. Malfoy is busy just now. Perhaps you could come back later," she said with a tight smile.

The door to Draco's office opened and he smiled at Hermione. "I'm never too busy for my girls."

Athena dropped Hermione's hand and ran into Draco's arms. "Daddy!" Draco picked her up and kissed her little cheeks, causing her to giggle.

"Hello my princess! What are you all doing here?" He asked, kissing Hermione lightly.

"I took the day off so we thought we'd come have lunch with you," Hermione replied with a smile.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Athena was pulling on Draco's ear to get his attention.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"I don't like that lady," she said, pointing at Michelle. "She always mean to my mummy. Make her leave."

Michelle paled and Hermione stifled a laugh, silently cheering on her daughter. Draco glared over at Michelle. "It's been six years Michelle." He sighed. "If you can't be professional and treat my wife, and anyone else who enters this office for that matter, with respect, I will have you transferred to a lower level. Clear?"

Michelled gulped and nodded quickly. "Crystal."

Draco nodded. "Good. Now, I am not to be disturbed during the lunch hour," he said, ushering Hermione and the girls into his office and closing the door behind him.

Hermione put Narcissa Jo down and she started to toddle around the room behind Athena who was pacing by the large window, imitating her father.

Draco laughed. "They sure are full of energy today."

"I know," Hermione replied with a sigh, sinking into Draco's chair and pulling out their lunches from her bag. "I'm going to take them to the park after we leave to help them burn some energy before naptime. It's quite warm for it to be so late in December."

Draco nodded and sat down in the seat across from his desk. "Before I forget, which of us is going to fetch Aries from King's Cross Station today? I meant to ask you at breakfast this morning."

"I am. Ginny and I are going to get the boys together when I pick up Scorpius from hers."

"Sounds good to me," he said, taking a bite of the sandwich she had given him. "So what's up?"

"What do you mean?" she asked, innocently.

Draco grinned. "Oh cut the crap Herms. You only visit me at the office for one of two reasons. The presence of our daughters suggests that it's not for the reason you usually come by," he said with a wink.

Hermione blushed deeply and Draco laughed. "Therefore, something must have happened."

Hermione stared at him in annoyance for a moment before bringing Narcissa Jo over. She whispered something in the little girl's ear before handing her to Draco with a smile.

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