Part 4: Chapter 2

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Aries - 29

Eloise - 28

Makayla - 5

"You can't possibly think this is a good idea E!"

"Aries stop shouting. You'll wake Makayla," Eloise responded as she set the dishes to wash themselves and started putting up the leftovers from their dinner.

She had made all of Aries' favorite foods in an attempt to cheer him up. Her efforts were in vain. She understood why once he explained the reason for Melissa's visit.

Aries sighed and cast muffliato. "Honey. You can't be serious."

"I am one hundred percent serious. We need to take Makayla to see Melissa's mother."

"Why?! Why does she deserve to see our daughter? She was always evil to me and her daughter is vile! Why should we do them any favors?" He sat down angrily at the kitchen table.

Eloise sighed and walked over to her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck as best she could with her bump in the way. She was the same height standing as he was sitting down. He put his hands on her waist and kissed her belly with a slight smile.

"I'm not saying we should take her as a favor to them, but to Makayla."

"What are you talking about?"

She hesitated. "One day Makayla's going to have questions about her mother--"

Aries' eyes darkened as he interrupted her. "You are her mother," he said firmly.

"Yes honey I know that. But what about when she grows up and realizes she doesn't look like me?"

"She looks just like you!"

"That's just because we're both blonde and have blue eyes. Wait a minute. Were you planning to never tell her about Melissa?"

"Of course I'm never going to tell her about Melissa! Why on Earth would I do that?"

"Because she deserves to know!" Eloise stepped back.

"Do you not want her anymore?" Aries stood up, towering over his petite wife.

"What? That's absolutely ridiculous! I love that little girl with all of my heart and I would fight to the death if anyone, including you, ever tried to take her away from me!" she replied angrily, poking Aries in the chest hard. "Don't you ever try to imply that I don't want my baby girl ever again, do you hear me?"

Aries nodded dumbly as she pushed him back into the chair. "Now you shut up and listen to me Aries Meyers," she continued. "I'm not saying that we need to tell her anytime soon but we have to tell her eventually. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but one day Melissa's going to realize what a huge mistake she's made by letting go of the most precious gift she's ever been given. And when she realizes that, she's going to come poking around looking for a place in Makayla's life. Wouldn't you rather Makayla hear about it from us instead of her?"

Aries sighed and thought for a moment. "You're right. Eventually, we'll tell her about Melissa. But we're not taking her to see Melissa's mother. That's my final decision on the matter."

Eloise bit her tongue to keep from responding but she nodded slowly as he from his seat and came to her. "Fine. We won't take her."

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