Part 1: Chapter 5

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A few months went by and there were no more attacks. Hermione had a more difficult time trying to decipher the second photo and did not make any real progress with it until July. Early on the last day in July, she was at the Potter's house with Ginny, trying to set up for Harry's surprise party. It was just the two of them because Padma was home with her and Ron's new baby girl Rose and Pansy had just had her baby the week before. It was a baby boy that they had named Marco. Ginny, though pregnant the longest had yet to pop and was therefore very uncomfortable and annoyed.

Teddy ran through the kitchen shouting as James toddled behind him. A crawling Scorpius brought up the rear.

Ginny started to yell at them but sighed and sunk into the chair furthest from the stove. "I don't have the energy to yell. 'Mione, can you do it for me?"

Hermione was standing by the window, distracted and didn't hear Ginny.

"Hermione? Hermione? Hello? 'Mione!"

Hermione jumped. "Ginny! You gave me a fright!" She said, clutching her chest.

"I said your name like three times. Are you okay?"

Hermione hesitated before sitting down next to Ginny at the table. "I'm pregnant Ginny."

"Oh Hermione that's wonderful! When did you find out?"

"A couple of weeks ago?" she replied hesitantly.

"Weeks?! And you're just now telling me!" Ginny studied Hermione's uneasy expression and put two and two together. "You haven't told Draco yet have you?"

Hermione shook her head.

"'Mione! Why not?"

"I told him awhile ago that I wanted to have another baby and he said not right now. He said we have too much going on and Scorpius is still so young. What if he's angry with me?"

"He's going to be mad alright," Ginny said, reaching for an orange from the bowl on the table.

"You think so?"

"Oh yeah. He's going to be mad that you didn't tell him sooner! And rightfully so! You tell him today Hermione."


Ginny groaned. "Yes today! The longer you put it off, the more problems you're going to have. 'Mione, what time is it?"

Hermione glanced at the clock on the wall. "Almost 10:00am. Why?"

"Oh good. My mum will be here in an hour." She clenched her eyes shut and moaned in pain. "I think baby number two is ready to make his or her appearance."


Several hours later Harry came sprinting down the stairs into the drawing room with a radiant smile. "It's a boy! Albus Severus Potter! And on my birthday!"

He ran back upstairs leaving the assembly of wizards in the drawing room both confused and amused.

Draco leaned over to Blaise and whispered, "Albus Severus? Any chance we could get him to rethink that?"

Blaise snorted causing Mr. Weasley to look over at them suspiciously.

Blaise coughed. "I should get back home to Pansy and Marco. She just wanted me to stop by and make sure Ginny was alright and wish St. Potter a happy birthday. We still on for lunch next week Draco?"

Draco nodded but his attention was on Hermione, who had just entered the room with a wide smile on her face. She looked so serene as she walked over to him and embraced him. He planted a kiss on her nose and she giggled. "Hello beautiful."

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