Part 3: Chapter 7

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The International Young Wizards Competition Introduction

James Potter - 7th Year 

Scorpius Malfoy - 7th Year

Albus Potter - 6th Year

Rose Weasley - 6th Year

Athena Malfoy - 5th Year

Taylor Nott - 5th Year

Thomas Nott - 5th Year

Narcissa Jo Malfoy - 4th Year

Lily Potter - 4th Year

Lyra Malfoy - 2nd Year

September 5, 2022


"Wh, what?" He tore his gaze from the entrance of the great hall to look at Scorpius.

"What the hell are you staring at mate?" Scorpius asked. They were sitting at the Slytherin table at dinnertime.

"Oh nothing," Albus replied, looking back down at his plate.

"Sure it's nothing," Marco said with a smirk.

"Shut it Marco."

"What's Marco going on about now?" Athena said, as she took the seat next to Albus and grabbed a roll from his plate.

"Nothing," Albus mumbled.

"Hi Marco," Taylor said shyly sitting down next to him.

He didn't look up at her. "Did you suddenly transfer into Slytherin house overnight? The Hufflepuff table is over there," he said, pointing across the great hall.

She laughed nervously. "No, I just wanted to sit with Athena tonight."

"Then why are you sitting next to me and not her?"

Taylor ignored him. "Have you heard, Marco? That I started a mentorship program? For the younger girls here at Hogwarts?"

"Want a fucking cookie?" he replied, taking a bite of food.

She huffed and got up, stomping over to the Hufflepuff table.

Athena sighed. "Do you have to be so mean to her Marco? You know she likes you."

He shrugged. "She's been mean to everyone else for so long. Maybe she deserves a taste of her own medicine.

"She hasn't been like that since last summer and you know it. She even gets along with Narcissa Jo now."

Scorpius snorted. "That's not saying much 'Thena. Cissy would want to save a poisonous snake even after it bit her."

"Point taken," Athena conceded. "But still. I don't think Aunt Pansy would approve of your behavior Marco."

He finally looked up at her with a devious grin on his face and leaned across the table to whisper in her ear. "And I doubt Uncle Draco would approve of what I saw you doing in that dark corridor with a certain young man after curfew last night."

Her face went scarlet. "You wouldn't dare!"

He sat back down and shrugged nonchalantly. "You've known me your whole life. What do you think?"

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