Part 1: Chapter 12

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"Thank you Hermione, really," Susan said as she took fresh clothes from Hermione and headed into the shower in one of the Malfoy's guest rooms.

They had just returned from the ministry where Susan had been checked for any curses before entering protective custody. Hermione had volunteered for Susan and her son to stay at hers since their home was already under auror protection anyway.

Hermione walked down the hallway to Scorpius' room to check on him and Steven, Susan's little boy, before she went downstairs to join Draco, Harry and Ginny in the drawing room.

"Hey 'Mione! Did Susan get settled okay?" Ginny asked while she bounced Athena in her arms.

"Yeah, she's showering now. Where are the boys?" Hermione replied, taking a seat next to Draco on the couch.

"I laid them down in Aries' room. I hope you don't mind."

Hermione shook her head and sighed, leaning her head on Draco's shoulder. He lifted his arm and placed it on her shoulder, drawing her closer.

"So. Harry," Draco began. "Now that you know who's been committing the attacks, what are you going to do about it?" There was an edge to his voice that didn't go unnoticed by Hermione. She knew he was still torn up about Narcissa's death.

Harry looked up at Draco and pushed his glasses up on his nose. "I'm not supposed to be talking to you about this."

Draco rolled his eyes. "But you're going to. So, I'll ask again. What are you going to do?"

Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Honestly, I'm not sure yet. We're having an emergency meeting with Kingsley tomorrow. I think the best thing to do is go to the safehouse and try and track them from there."

"What time is the meeting?" Hermione spoke up.

The silence that followed was deafening.


"I, uh. I think it's best if you don't come."

"What? Why?"

"You're not an auror 'Mione," he sighed.

"So?" she replied angrily.

"So, I shouldn't have gotten you involved in the first place. Kingsley would have my neck if he knew the extent to which you've been involved," he said sheepishly.

"You're kidding right now. You have got to be kidding! I figure out all of the messages from the crime scenes and basically work undercover for you for a year. Unpaid and in secret. And now. Now! That we're so close to catching the culprit you're going to kick me to the curb?" She stood up and glared at him. "Some brother you are."

Harry glanced over at Draco and Draco shook his head so quickly that Hermione almost missed it.

She made eye contact with her husband and saw the guilt in his eyes. She shook her head and angrily left the room, ignoring Draco calling after her.

Hermione climbed into bed next to Draco after checking on Susan and putting Athena down. Harry and Ginny had left with their little ones shortly after Hermione had stormed off.

She laid down and gave Draco her back, pulling the blankets tightly around herself.

"Herms?" Draco called out to her.

"Don't, Draco."

"Hermione please--"

She groaned angrily and sat up to face him. "Why do you constantly do this?"


"No! Don't you dare 'Herms' me! You're babying me again Draco. I am your wife, not your child. If you didn't want me to help Harry anymore you should have talked to me about it."

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