Part 3: Chapter 2

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James and the Golden Seeker:

James 5th Year

Scorpius 5th Year

Jennifer 5th Year - Pictured above

Albus 4th Year

Athena 3rd Year

Narcissa Jo 2nd Year

Lily 2nd Year

November 2020

"Albus I really don't see why we have to go to the match today," Athena complained as they made their way down to the quidditch pitch walking closely behind Marco and Scorpius. "You barely like quidditch and Slytherin's not even playing. It's Gryffindor and Ravenclaw," she said with thinly veiled disgust.

"You don't have to come," he said simply. "But Lily and Narcissa Jo are playing their first match and I'm going to support them. You should too. Besides, our parents are here. Don't you want to see them?"

"I want to see my dad," she said, crossing her arms across her chest. "We all know that mum is just here to sing Narcissa Jo's praises."

Albus sighed. "Why do you always compare yourself to Narcissa Jo? Your parents don't. And you're more like your mum than you think."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't want to have this conversation right now."

"Athena, I didn't mean to--"

"Just drop it Albus. I don't comment on your relationship with James or your Dad." she snapped, catching up to her brother and linking her arm through his.

Albus stuffed his hands in his pockets with a sigh and trudged along behind them. They reached the stands and found their parents. Athena made a great effort to be as far away from Albus as possible, sitting directly between her parents.

"Hi sweetheart!" Hermione said, hugging her daughter after Draco kissed her forehead before turning back to his conversation with Harry.

"Hey mum," Athena replied with a soft smile.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"Nothing. I'm just a little cold."

"Oh okay. I'll cast a warming charm," she said with a wave of her wand.

"Where's Lyra?" Athena asked, looking around for her youngest sister. "Did she not come?"

"I think Ginny took her to the loo. They should be back soon."

Athena nodded and subconsciously looked over in Albus' direction.

"Are you sure nothing's the matter?" Hermione inquired.

Athena hesitated before leaning her head on her mum's shoulder. "You love me right mum?"

"Of course I do! Have I given you the impression that I don't?"

Athena shook her head. "No. But sometimes I feel like you like Narcissa Jo better than me."

"What do you mean?"

"All the letters I get from you have some sort of scolding or disapproval in them. Narcissa Jo doesn't get that," she said quietly.

Hermione frowned. "I do scold you sometimes. Primarily because you, James and Lily seem to enjoy pulling pranks and we're constantly receiving letters from your professors about it. You're lucky I'm not your Aunt Ginny; She sends James a howler at least once a week." They both laughed at this.

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