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I am getting really into like hate into love stories rn so I apologize in advance if that's leaking into my other story plot lines, BUT... I can do it here!

BTW! Savage song for a savage main character.


I'll go home now.


(y/n)'s POV

My hands were sweating nervously and I was on the brink of letting out a long string of swear words at any moment. Dan of course, looking at ease with that dumbass smirk that makes me want to push him off a bridge. How in the world was he not nervous for auditions. Especially now that the plays were musicals. SInging in front of people was not really my thing and I had little to no idea if I could actually sing good. I sighed and the teacher Mrs. Verson, we call her Mrs. V, waved her hands as to signal to gather around.

"(y/n)?" SHe called out and I peered my head over the crowd. We spotted each other and I waved.

"Hello, nice to see you again. Do you mind finding the 3 stacked boxes I left backstage? I need them for practice today." She asked. I pictured the three heavy boxes and looked down at my scraped up legs.

"Uh yeah, sure." I said, awaiting the 3 minutes of torture. I glanced over and Dan started to open his mouth as to volunteer to help, but Mrs. V cut him off.

"You've been here many times, so you don't mind missing a little of the explanation, right?"

"Yup, I'm all good Mrs. V." I replied and hurried up the steps on the side of the stage. A few freshmen glanced my way, confused at how well known I was around here. Drama club was my home where everyone knew me and I was comfortable with my surroundings. Of course Dan had to come and ruin it my last year, but I'm not too bitter about it. I walked backstage where Carl, the lights guy was looking at a control panel.

"Hey Carl, ready for another year?" I asked, waving as I walked.

"Yup, I'm on the edge of my seat." He joked and I laughed, opening the door to a storage closet.

Nope, not there. I checked in the female dressing room ot find the three large boxes. I eyed the wearily. As much as I hate Dan, I was kind of wishing for his help right now.

Damn it. 

I let out a sigh and gripped the bottom box, hoisting them into my arms. I knew this place inside and out, but I couldn't see from behind the top box. I let out a soft grunt and I tried to get a better grip on the box. I stumbled through the doorway, trying to peer around. Carl was gone and I sighed. Suddenly, the top most box was lifted away to reveal a sparkling pair of rich evergreen eyes. They reminded me of Christmas.

"Need a little help, pretty lady?" James asked and I was knock out of my trance.

"Oh, yeah, thank you." I said, an obvious blush forming on my cheeks. Butterflies swarmed violently in my stomach as he flashed me a smile offering to carry another.

"No, no it's my job anyway. I appreciate you carrying one at all."

"It's only gentlemanly." I giggled, which I never do and he followed me to the stage where all the students were paired up, instead of in the audience where they were before.

"Oh great, hello there James, trying out for the musical?" Mrs. V asked causing his eyes to widen.

"No Mrs. Verson, only here to help the struggling lady." James replied.

"Hey I wasn't struggling that bad."

"Yeah, okay whatever floats your boat." James replied making me giggle. AGAIN.

Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dan x Reader High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now