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Hello! Keep an eye out for these sporadic uploads! Today was a half day so I decided to upload this since I had time!

Also the song above I sort of thought could be like Dan's subconscious screaming at him to stop being a dumb ass. Yeah.


Dan's POV (ooo is this the first Dan POV?! Omg?! Why am I so excited?!)

"Damn it." I cursed under my breath. I shut the door after (y/n) left, putting my face in my hands.

"Wow. You are really going after her huh?" I peered between my fingers to look at Adrian at the top of the stairs.

"No, no I'm not." I argued.

"Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind if I showed you this?" Adrian asked. Adrian turned his phone in his hand and showed it to me. It was a picture of me and (y/n) kissing on stage. My stomach dropped. 

"Where the hell did you get that?!" I asked.

"Oh, some drama kid posted it, along with all the other acting pairs, promoting the musical." Adrian said, smirking.

"It was a scene Adrian. We had to do it." 

"Ah yes, but you didn't have to enjoy it did you?" Adrian sneered.

"I didn't."

"No, (y/n) didn't. You did."

"And how can you tell that?" I said defensively.

"By the way you look at her dork. Is the facial expression you are making not enough for you?" He said pointing to the picture. He was kind of right. I did enjoy it, quite a bit actually, but it was only because I hadn't had a girlfriend in a while. I hate her and she hated me. I felt a warm tingle in my stomach as I continued to look at the picture.

I must really hate her, right?

"No, it's just I haven't had a girlfriend in a while okay? It wasn't her. It was the physical act of kissing." I said.

Adrian raised his right eyebrow and eventually rolled his eyeballs.

"You are actually an idiot. You love her so much but you don't realize it. You're scared because of these feelings so you sleep around and lash out at her. You talk about her constantly and honestly this is the ONLY girl I have ever seen not like you, and I can tell it drives you crazy." Adrian lectured.

Was that why I was so sad when I saw her scars? Because I like her?

No. That can't be right.

"No, it's just. I need a girlfriend is all." I said and Adrian sighed.

"Call me when you finally get your head out of your ass!" Adrian called as he walked to his room. I sighed and sunk to the floor. But I get so much satisfaction, getting on her nerves. Maybe it was because it was the only way I could be a part of her life.

No that's not it.

I hate her.

She hates me.

That's the way it is.

(Y/n)'s POV

I was sat in the lounge in my pajamas watching an episode of The Office (yaaaaaasssss) when my phone began to buzz. I paused and picked it up to see that Dan was calling me.

"Uh, hey what's up?"


"Phil? Why do you have Dan's phone?"

"Uh, long story, but he just showed up at my house, drunk. I don't know what to do with him."

"Um, okay, I'll help you bring him over here. I'll tell his mum he was staying over for a movie and fell asleep here. She can't see him like this and neither can your mum."

Fine Line Between Love and Hate | Dan x Reader High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now