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I have to go to my brother's concert tonight. I have to sit through like 10 songs and only 3 of them are his.



(y/n)'s POV

Zoe was sat, staring at me incredulously, with her tea halfway to her mouth. She shut her jaw and set the drink down.

"He what?" she asked. I had requested that she come over early in the morning so we could chat and eventually walk to school together..

"Well Dan and I were at the movies and he was there too and after, he pulled me aside and was like 'Hey I think I still love you.' and I flipped out, obviously, and Dan and I left." I explained.

"Why in the World is Caspar bringing this up right now?" she asked, looking at me confused.

"I'm not sure. Maybe he's just bored with Grace or something douchy like that. All I know is that Dan seemed pretty on edge when I told him. I mean, he really hates Caspar still." I replied. She set her mug in the sink and I lugged my backpack over my shoulder.

"So what if he comes up today?" Zoe pondered.

"I don't know. I'd probably yell or ignore him. I'm not in the mood for his bullshit." I groaned, following her out the door.

"Oh, just stick by Dan. He'll save you." Zoe said, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Look, I don't need Dan to protect me or anything and besides, I was probably just seeing things. Dan honestly doesn't care that much." I said. I noticed Phil walking on the pavement opposite to us. I called to him before Zoe could say anything and he glanced up, crossing over to us.

"Don't underestimate that (y/n). If Dan didn't care then why does he continously fight to be around you." Zoe said.

"Talking about Dan are we?" Phil asked, grinning at us.

"No. We were talking about Caspar, but Zoe's distracting." I said.

"Yeah sure, I'm the one who's distracting." Zoe said, scoffing.

"See you're talking about him right now!" I pointed out.

"Hey, I never said Dan specifically." she said, smiling devilishly. I shoved her and she yelped, shoving me back. "Abuse." 

"Shut up." I said, my face flushing.

"But, yeah you told me about him." Phil said. I nodded.

"It's just so random and out of the blue. It's honestly doesn't make much sense to me." I said as we came upon the school. I noticed Dan and PJ standing out front, chatting with a girl I've seen before, butI can't place my finger on where. Dan seemed to be listening intently to what she was saying and watching her hands pass back and forth through papers. I felt a smidge of jealously surge through me, but I pushed it back. It's nothing. She nodded a thanks and disappeared. PJ said something and Dan nodded. PJ noticed us and waved. I waved back which brought Zoe and Phil's attention to them. I started towards them and Dan turned, smiling once he saw us. 

"Hey (y/n), Stacy says we're not having another dress rehearsal and we're just going to do the performance tomorrow." Dan said.

Stacy. That's her name.

"Got it. Thanks." I said, smiling. 

"Hey, I haven't seen you in a while!" PJ said, smiling at me.

"Yeah, I know!" I said. Somehow some sort of silent communication was had and we hugged. "Nice to see you." I said. I pulled away and looked over at Dan. He seemed upset and uncomfortable now, his arms crossed. He was watching PJ intently and when he turned back to me, he watched for a moment before he realized I was looking at him. His face flushed and he smiled, his arms falling. I gave him a questioning look, but he just looked away.

"I'm kind of cold, let's head inside." Zoe suggested, witnessing everything. She hooked my arm and dragged me. I stumbled after her.

"Wow I didn't know you were that cold Zo." I said, playing along and laughing. She pulled us ahead until we were an okay distance away, but still walking 'with' them.

"Jesus, did you see that jealous stare. My God it was crazy. I got chills." Zoe said.

"Uh, yeah probably because it's like 40 degrees out here. I'm sure it's nothing." I said. Zoe gave me gave me a look. 

"Please." she sassed, shaking her head.

"Look, it's nothing. I'll bet it's not." I said.

"Man, that's a pretty shallow bet. You're actually willing to give away money or whatever for that?" Zoe asked. I let out a breath, watching it fog up against the cool air.

"Fine, if you're so sure." I said, giving in.

"Thank you." she said, pulling me inside the warm building to wait for everyone else.

"30 more seconds out in the cold wasn't going to kill you Zoe. You could've waited for us." Dan said.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to steal (y/n) from you." Zoe said. I felt my face drain and I focused in on something else.

"What?" Dan choked. 

"You guys have the same Math first right?" Zoe said, playing innocent. I put my hand over my eyes. "Why so flustered?" she pestered.

"I'm going to my locker. Zoe stop." I warned, turning and heading down the hallway.

"Wait!" I stopped and turned to see Dan 'jogging' over to me. "She did kind of steal you from me. I wanted to talk about the Math, actually." he said, chuckling nervously. I could feel everyone else watching us and I gestured to him.

"Let's go." I said, smiling. 

"So what's with Zoe?" Dan asked, as we headed down the hall.

"Not sure. She's been acting crazy all morning." I lied.

"That's weird." Dan said, shrugging.

"So?" I asked. He looked at me strangely. "The Math?" I asked. He still looked at me before realizing the reason he was with me and he shook his head.

"Oh, uh, yeah sorry." he said.

"It's cool." he dug around in his backpack as I opened my locker and pulled out a sheet. "Dan?" I asked. 

"Uh yeah?" he asked.

"This is all filled out correctly." I said.

"Mmhmm." he replied.

"So what am I looking at?" I asked, smiling at him. He wasn't usually like this. It was honestly cute. 

"Oh, I just realized I have nothing." he said. I gave him a grin.

"You're such a dork." I said, shutting my locker. "Why don't you slow it down today, you seem to be really forgetful." I said, rubbing his arm comfortingly. He nodded, staying silent. His eyes, though, were flickering quickly around.

"Yeah." he said, smiling back.

He really usually wasn't like this.

Hello again.

Stay awesome!


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