Chapter one

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Yaya^ ch1 is here. People vote and comment a lot...please.. ❤💞❣ and comment^


I continued to smile while reading the 'Accpetance Letter' from a prestigious medical college. It is my dream to be a doctor. It all started when I was in my middle school. My aunt wished to have a daughter who could be a doctor. But she ended up having two sons who work in corporate sector. Since my parents were not that particular, I decided to fulfil her wish and be a doctor.

"Meera. Come here." Mumma called me for dinner. Our new house was still a mess. Cardboard boxes were everywhere with bubble wraps and dirty towels.

I applied for a medical college in Seoul. My parents were worried to send me to a new city all alone so they decided to live here. My father got transfered to the Seoul branch of the Japanese firm he worked in.

"Waaah~" I drooled over the food as we all dig in. It was all going well for us. Although it was a bit difficult for us to fit in, our neighbours and papa's coworkers really helped us.

"I am going out for a walk." It was a habit of mine. A good habit. There was park near my house which had a few families at night. They were either eating ice creams or were just walking around like me. Whenever I saw them, I imagined myself in the future with my husband and kids playing around like that.

This idea always made me smile and put me at ease.

I took a seat near a window in a big hall. Its my first day in college and other students are trying to make friends while I sit at my place and watch 'Naruto'. I don't prefer aproaching people first. And no its not ego. I'm just not comfortable with the idea. Its just me.

"Hey~" I looked to my right to see a girl with red hair. She had a big smile on her face. "Oh hi!" I chirped cheerfully.

"I am Joy. Nice to meet you." She extended her hand for a handshake and I took it gladly.

"Nice hair.." and the talks went on. She seems really cool and fun. Then another girl came who greeted Joy.

"I am Jisoo." I just stared at her beautiful face. How can she be this pretty?!

"Me-Meera." Shit!

So overall my first day was full of laughters. Jisoo and Joy were more of fun type. Usually I like to stay alone but they included me in all of their fun which made me feel something new about myself. That I can have fun too. Because all I did was study. To be a doctor is not easy so I had to study more and more at a young age.

"Bye~" I bid them long byes before they actually left. Jisoo dropped me near a market in my locality. Yes she has a car and that too a big one!

I was walking to my home but a few blood stains on the footpath caught my eye. I crouched down to touch it a little. It was still wet meaning that maybe that wounded person is near. Being a medical student and a budding doctor, I can't bear to see someone injured.

"Excuse me?" I called out for that someone. Maybe he or she could hear me. I took out my phone for a flashlight and followed the bloody path only to be entering a dark alley.

"Is anyone here?" I raised my voice a little. Seconds later I heard a groan behind the dumpster. Not wasting any time, I went there to see a man with bloodied clothes. He again groaned when my flashlight hit his eyes. I crouched next to him to see if he was okay. My skirt went up a but treating this person was more important.

"I'll cal-"

"H-hurry." His deep voice came out as a whisper making it deeper.

"Okay!" I saw how blood was gushing out of his stomach. After contacting 911, I kept the phone on my feet and took out the first aid kit. His hands were covering the wound to stop the blood flow. "I'll do it." I removed his hands and put a few bandages on the wound while applying some pressure on it. He kept groaning in pain and hissed when I accidentally moved my hand.

"Bear with it for some time." When the blood flow was controlled, I started cleaning it as much as I could.

I looked up to see him if it was still hurting him like before but all I see was his intense eyes on me. His face was all blank while his eyes spoke millions of things that I could not decode.

"You okay?" I asked him with worry. The stab was quite deep. All he did was stare at me. His eyes not ready to leave my face. I grew a little uncomfortable with his eyes so I looked away.

"So. Pure."

He said in his deep husky voice grabbing my attention. Before I could question, loud sirens could be heard in the neighbourhood. I stood up and ran outside the alley guiding the people in. Two men picked him up and laid him on the stretcher.

"I followed the blood stains and called for an emergency as soon as I saw him." I told the local police officer. "Thank you for your help Miss."

I again turned to look at him again. His half closed eyes were still looking at me as if he was fighting back the drug that was given to him for calming him.

"I'll go." I bowed at the police officer and went back home. I told my parents what happened. They freaked out seeing my clothes in blood stains. But they are proud of me.

Hope you're fine mister...


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