Chapter three

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"The Director wants to talk to you." The teacher told me. I nodded and followed him to the Director's room. Why am I being called? Did I do something wrong?!

He knocked on the door and we stepped inside. "Here is Ms Meera." The teacher said and left when the Director hummed in response. I bowed and looked down. What did I do?!

"Meera." Its not the Director's voice. This voice was husky and deep. I looked up and saw a guy sitting on the couch with legs crossed. His face showed no emotion. I have to admit that he was handsome but his stare was... creepy? And the fact that he didn't even blink once was creepier.

"I'll leave you two then." The Director passed me a small smile and left his room. What is happening?!

That guy stood and walked towards me. I stayed still, waiting for him to say something.

"You don't... remember me?" He paused in between. Sadness was reflected in his tone. I narrowed my eyes at him. I am really bad at remembering faces. But then suddenly he tilted his head at a particular angle.

"Ah. You're that guy!" I said when I finally remembered him. His lips curled upwards as he relaxed after hearing me reply.

"My friend showed me the Magazine which had your picture on the cover." I told him all smiling. Joy will be hella jealous. I can't wait to tease her. But then his face again switched from all happy to emotionless.

Is he not that guy?

"Well you're that billionnaire businessman right?"  I said slowly. Joy read me the reason why he was on the cover. She even carries that magazine with her.

"Yes but we-" He got interrupted when my phone buzzed. I excused myself and checked the message.

Jaehyun: The match is going to start soon. Where are you?

A small smile crept up my lips. I blushed a little before replying 'coming'. He is one of my classmates. We have some sort of casual sports events time to time where students from different medical departments participate.

I then looked up from my phone and saw the man in front who had his eyes on me. It felt as if the temperature of the room dropped by a couple of digits.

"I have to go." I bowed and left the room completely forgetting about the conversation we were having.

I forget faces. I forget what I was talking about. I forget to bring my things. And I still top the exams. How?

"Meera!" I immediately sat next to Jisoo and Joy. Many students were present and cheered when the players entered the court. The Director sat on the seats near the court which were opposite to us.

"Oh look!" Joy screamed and jumped on her seat. She pointed at the guy from before. He sat on the big chair with legs crossed as his eyes pierced through mine. With his usual poker face he continued to look at me without a blink.

"He is looking at me~" I tore away from his gaze and looked to the girl on my right who had stars coming out of her eyes. "Sure girl." Jisoo commented.


The match started. And of course Jaehyun took all the spotlight with his skills. He had been in his school's basktetball team before which means a lot of experience compared to the other students who were probably playing for the second or the third time in their lives.

"Jaehyun! Jaehyun! Jaehyun!" The crowd cheered for him not minding if he was in the team they were supporting or not.

I felt a bit uneasy. All the freaking time! An unknown chill ran through my spine which I chose to ignore. Luckily someone blew the whistle indicating the half time. All the sweaty players went to their respective benches to relax.

"Someone got an admirer~" Jisoo cooed. I looked at her. She pointed her chin towards Jaehyun who passed me a big smile. Happily, I waved my hand and gave him a good luck sign.

"So romantic." Joy heaved a sigh drifting off to her dreamland. An extra ass bestfriend is a must in life.

The match resumed with Jaehyun's team leading by a good margin.

Only a couple of minutes were left when Jaehyun dribbled the ball to the opposite side. All of us were waiting for him to score but he didn't. "What is he doing?!" Joy screamed.

I looked at him wide eyed when he shouted my name, looking at my direction. "Meera!" Everyone turned their gazes on me while he continued to dribble and avoid the other players. "Ooohh~" people started cooing when my cheeks turned red.

He then pointed at me and then at the basketball before going in for a dunk. Did he do that for me? Me?!

Joy held my shoulders from the side and smiled to me. "I can't believe it!" Jisoo joined her to hug me from the left. "Lets prepare a wedding dress."

"Not you too." I pouted.


Why don't you remember that night angel? Am I not worth your memories?

"Jaehyun! Jaehyun! Jaehyun!"

A basket? Thats what he has to offer you, someone so precious. You deserve the whole world my Angel. I'll  give you what you deserve.


This bastard is committing a sin.
I saw how he looked at something which is mine. His eyes shone for you.
I'll make sure that those eyes won't be there anymore. My pirhanas will finally have a feast tonight.

"Mr Kim? Did you like the match?" The oldie asked me. I just stood up and nodded before leaving for home. I went to my personal conference hall and called someone.

"Hyung..." And then I asked him to the needful. That is to remove the obstacle thats in my way.

After ending the call, I switched on the projector.

My Angel.

Her pictures and numerous videos were displayed on the white screen. A small smile crept up my face.

I don't smile. But she makes me.

With that smile on my face I walked to the screen and grazed my hand on the screen wanting to feel her skin. I rested my head near her lips and closed my eyes.

Someday you'll be here with me my Angel. Just wait.

I'll make you mine.

A/N: do vote and comment!

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