Chapter sixteen

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The deadly and scary taehyung will be coming soon. He just doesn't want to scare away the girl so soon. He will be doing some manipulative work but not now.

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It was around 5pm in the evening and I was studying. I already told Taehyung about my wish to go to college so I decided to cover up the syllabus which was being done in college.

The door bell rung and echoed loudly. Even though he knows the passcode, he wants me to open the door for him. By now I'm sure that he is dangerously obsessed with me. I'm trying my best to use his obsession to my advantage but I haven't done much.

I just don't know what to do and it frustrates me! All my life I have been with books and family that I haven't done anything rebellious or something mischievous.

I was always a well behaved kid that listened to her elders. Now I'm paying the price for it.

The door bell rung continuously. I sighed and stood up to open the door.

"Good evening." He greeted in a serious tone and I looked away. I won't be talking to him if I'm not going to College.

He placed his bag on the couch as I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water for him. I handed him the glass and went back to heat up the food that aunty cooked.

I turned around after putting the dish inside the microwave and bumped into his broad chest. I gave him a look for blocking my way. But he didn't get it. Instead he rested his hands on the slab caging me in his arms.

"Are you ignoring me angel?" He asked in his usual deep voice. I crossed my arms against my chest and did not reply.

He stepped closer reducing the distance between us. "Tell me." He looked into my eyes as he let out those words. His jaw clenched in anger when I didn't reply.

"Tell. Me."

I wanted to speak but couldn't. The chill in the kitchen was too much for me. My breath became shallower as he grit his teeth with his breath becoming heavier.

But the sudden beeping of the microwave saved me. I quickly turned around and clumsily held the glass bowl with bare hands.

"God!" I retracted my hands back and ran to the faucet to calm myself. The burn wasn't much but the sudden hotness of the bowl was enough for me to let out a small whimper.

"Let me see it." Mr Kim stood next to me and took my hand in his. I pulled my hand back harshly. "It doesn't hurt." I avoided his eyes and went to the other corner of the kitchen to pick up the dishes.

"I'll do it." He took the tray from my hands and went to the dining area.

He quietly ate the food and I did too. I ain't talking to him till I get the confirmation that I'll be joining college.

After dinner I went to my room and picked up the book to continue my studies. "Angel? Come out." He knocked on my door. I took a deep breath and walked to the living room with heavy steps.

He was seated on the couch and motioned me to join him. I sat next to him keeping a good distance between us. He placed a paper on the table in front of us.

"Sign it." I quickly picked up the paper to read it. A small smile made its way to my face. It was the admission form of my College.

"I talked to the director. You will be joining next week." He said looking away while I looked for a pen in urgency to sign the document. Once I did, he took the paper and went back to his room without uttering a word.

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