Chapter six

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"Let's go." Jisoo held my hand and dragged me to the party. It's been over a month since Jaehyun died. I couldn't get over it. I was the last person he met before he died. If only I had kissed him I would have been a little less guilty. Joy and Jisoo told me that it isn't my fault and my parents are helping me to a great extent but others don't think that way. They are somehow blaming me.

Every time I walk the hallways of college they would be pointing at me and whispering stuff like I was responsible for his death. I'm sure that even they don't know the real reason. No one knows. And that's the problem.

"Cmon Meera. You need to loosen up a little." Joy said softly. I have been locking myself up most of the time. I just don't feel like doing anything. And the feeling worsened when a few days ago another man died horribly. He was the same man who bumped into me weeks back.

Unknown: You deserve to smile my angel. Just smile.

Unknown: I miss your smile. What can I do to make you smile?

The person continued to message me. He will text everyday. Just one text before I'm about to close my eyes like he knows, like he's watching me.

"I should have dressed you up a little then only you could feel the vibe." Joy said to lighten up my mood as Jisoo parked the car. It wasn't a big party. Only a couple of departments of our college were there. Music was loud but gladly no alcohol. We entered the small club and made our way to the birthday girl.

"Happy birthday Jenni." I hugged the girl as she happily hugged me back. "Sorry I couldn't get you a gift."

"Aye~ your presence alone is a big gift. Just enjoy Okay?" She smiled at me and went to Jisoo.

I am not the only friend of Joy and Jisoo. But they are my only friends. They have other friends as well whom I know a little.

"Lets dance!" Joy pulled Jenni to the dance floor as they all danced freely. I sat in the corner and ate a few snacks that Jenni personally served me. She could feel that I was uncomfortable because of the stares of other people. Some were pointing in my direction.

"What is she doing here?"

"Why did Jenni invite her?"

I was so focused on listening what they said that I didn't realise the presence of a person beside me.

"Hey." He said. I smiled at him, my eyes admiring his maroon hair as he leaned back against the sofa.

"Hi Taeyong." I could see the sadness in his face. It was so obvious. His condition has been miserable since Jaehyun's funeral. He started dying his hair a lot after that. College gave him a few warnings because of the strict dress code but they didn't take any strict action against him. They knew he was going through a rough time and cut him some slack.

"Don't listen to them." I understood what he meant and slowly nodded.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him. He just nodded and looked around. "Can I have a dance?" He asked. I was hesitant. I really didn't want to dance and feel like enjoying. But since he asked I couldn't refuse. He was trying to move on and I should too.

We held hands and walked to the dance floor. Joy and Jisoo got excited and pulled me to them. We started dancing to the music. And it did help me feel better. Taeyong stood by my side as our shoulders brushed while dancing.

"Wooh!!" Everyone cheered when a romantic music started playing. Couples danced together hand in hand.

"It's my birthday and I don't have a boyfriend to dance with." Jenni pouted.

"We can dance you know?" Ten was standing next to her with a cute smile on his face. Jenni nodded and they both went to the dance floor.

"Wanna join them?" Taeyong asked. I opened my mouth to refuse but Joy pushed me to him. "Go dance all you want." And just like that we ended up near the spotlight. A couple of them cheered but most of them had sour expressions on their faces which made me uncomfortable.

"Don't focus on them Meera." Taeyong said. I nodded and looked up to look into his eyes. His fish like eyes were really beautiful.

"Your eyes are really beautiful." I complimented him. Our bodies swayed side to side.

"I know. They are my biggest asset." He said arrogantly. Playful arrogance that was. I chuckled a little. After dancing for a while we went to eat dinner.

"Where's Taeyong?" Johnny asked as he looked around.

"He went to smoke, I guess." Irene said with a doubt. Smoke? I excused myself to look for him. I didn't like the idea of him smoking. I went though the back door as it opened to a dark alley with a big trash can to the side with a dead end while the other end led to the main road which was near the entrance.

"Taeyong?" I stepped away from the gate to look for a familiar figure.

"Ah!" I immediately covered my mouth to stop the scream that almost left my lips. My body trembled at the horror in front of my eyes. My knees went weak and with shaking legs I moved back a little.

"Tae-Taeyong?" My eyes welled with tears as my hand still covered my mouth to muffle my scream and cries.

Taeyong lied on the ground on his stomach with his face covered in blood. If not for his hair it would have been difficult to recognise him. A sharp object was in his eyes and blood oozed out from them. His arms and legs were still moving a little, begging for help.

"He held your hands right?"

It was then I noticed another figure who had one of his legs on Taeyong's lower back in a victory position.

I shook my head when I saw him holding Taeyong's right hand. With one swift move, he cut his wrist, detaching it from his body. I couldn't scream anymore. The horror was so much to take. I stood there feeling my soul leaving my body. In another minute, he cut off his left hand too. And then his body stopped moving completely.

"He shouldn't have made you smile. It should have been me. It will be me..always. I will make my angel smile...Not him." 

My eyes went wide when I saw the stranger's face in the dim light. The way his deep voice sent shivers down my whole body, the way his lips were curled up in a sinister smile made me weak.

Kim Taehyung.

A/N: a little long update to make to for the time. I got less votes in the previous update😭😭

Do vote and comment a lot!❤️😭

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