Chapter ten

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"It's going to be alright." I tightly held my mother's hand. She was nervous and scared. And she had all reasons to be.

We were currently at the airport, waiting for the flight. We decided to leave Korea. For the past one month, my father planned and did all the preparations for leaving. He asked his senior for a transfer while I took back my admission. All the things were secretly done by us so that no one would know. We tried to be as discreet as possible.

"I'll get you something." Papa stood up and went to get us some beverages. Probably coffee.

After drinking coffee, the announcement for our flight was made. We held our bags and went to board the flight. A sense of relief washed over me when I sat inside the plane. My seat was a bit away from theirs. Mummy wanted to sit with me but then she needed papa for comfort. I agreed to take the other seat. An old man sat next to me and started reading a newspaper. And that newspaper blocked the view for my parents.

"I'm fine." I mouthed the words when my father stood up straight to look in my direction. They were worried for me. I nodded to reassure them that we're leaving and everything will be okay.

All the passengers were seated and the final announcement was being made.

"Excuse me Ma'am?" An air hostess caught my attention. "Are you miss Meera Suri?" I looked at my parents but they didn't look at me. Then I nodded at the woman.

"There is a message for you. Can you please come with me?" Her tone was professional and I didn't mind at all. It might be important. So I followed her. We reached the cabin where I saw the back of a man. He turned around upon sensing our presence.

Officer Kim Namjoon

"Officer?" I was confused. What was he doing here? Was it that important?

My mind went blank when another lady beside him walked behind me and cuffed my hands. I looked at the officer with wide eyes. "W-why?" I tired to break free but that was useless.

"You're under arrest for murdering Mr Jung Jaehyun, Mr Lee Taeyong and Mr Yoo Hyun Woo."

It's been over three hours and I've been locked up in a room which had a chair and a table with a glass barrier probably from where people are monitoring my movements.

But the only thing in my mind was my parents. The plane probably took off. I know that the moment they realise that I'm not there, it will be chaotic.

But why am I here? I already gave them all the statements that they wanted! Then why?!

Multiple thoughts ran through my mind which were halted by the opening of the door. I quickly looked in the direction to be only greeted by the officer in charge.

"Please sit." I nodded and sat on the chair. My heart was beating fast and light layer of sweat formed on my forehead. I could feel my blood pressure falling. But I held it all in.

"So miss.. what were your motives for murdering them?" He asked all straight forward. I took a deep breath which showed how much frustrated I was with that question.

"I. Did. Not. Kill. Them."

"Well then who did?"

That's the point. No one would believe me if I say Kim Taehyung. I told them an alternative story for Taeyong where the person's face was covered with a mask. But should I tell them the truth?

"Miss?" He waved his hand in front of my face to bring my back from my thoughts. I looked at him all confused. My mind was a mess.

"I don't know who killed them. Believe me when I say that I didn't." I said each and every word clearly as tears welled in my eyes. I need my parents.

"If you don't want to confess then.." the officer stood up and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

What should I do?


"She is under surveillance."

I nodded at Baek hyung as my fingers reached forward to caress the screen. My angel was worried and I didn't like it one bit. She was crying. And that only made me angry and mad. I wanted to go there and kill that officer with my own two hands but..

..he is doing what I asked him to do.

That's the only way to keep my angel here with me. She thought that she could leave me. Did she actually think that I would let her leave me? My angel, I'll keep you with me.

"Officer is on the line." Baek Hyung handed me the call.

"She hasn't said anything about you but she might spill the truth soon."

"Keep her in a bigger room with proper ventilation and facilities." The truth can wait. I want her to be comfortable.

"She is here as a suspect and not a guest Mr Kim." I smirked.

"That shouldn't be a problem since I'm paying you."

I know I got him. He has a debt to pay. He owes me his life. Things aren't difficult when people are at your fingertips. I can buy hundreds of him for my angel.

"I'll try Mr Kim." I hung up.

I nodded at Baek Hyung for him to bring my car. I'll see my angel and talk to her. She will understand me and come to live with me. She will appreciate my efforts for her. She will see that I want her to be happy with me.

I reached the station in no time. Officer Namjoon led me to the room where she was. He opened the door.




No. Not that voice.

I clenched my fists to stop myself from lashing out at him. But then it struck me. He planned it. He is the reason why I'm here.

I turned around to be greeted by his blank face. Tears slipped out of my eyes. Anger boiled inside me. Those hot tears burned my skin as his hand went to the back of his head to caress his mullet.

I sped walk in his direction and raised my hand to slap him. But he was quick. He caught my hand in time while his other hand went to my lower back to pull me closer.

I was trembling in anger while his eyes bore into my red ones. I was glaring while he blankly stared.

"Live with me my angel."

A/N: another update will be tomorrow! Do vote and comment.
It's a little crappy update I know but it will pick up its pace soon❤️❤️

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