Chapter seventeen

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You might find this a little boring but then next update will be better. ❤️
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I never imagined that a day would come when I would be labelled as a murderer. All the students in the college were either scared of me or disgusted by me. I was alone.

"Turn in your assignments." Mr Hwang said. Everyone started handing him the assignments. I sighed and looked in my bag for the folder.

Shit! I forgot it at home. It was all messy this morning. I woke up late and then everything was a domino effect. The driver took a longer route to drive here today because of traffic jam at certain areas.

Taking a deep breath I walked to the teacher's desk. He was stacking the folders neatly when two other students approached him.

"Sir we're extremely sorry. We forgot our assignments. But we've really done it. We will definitely submit it tomorrow." Vernon, one of the two students explained the situation.

Mr Hwang adjusted his thick glasses. "I have to submit these marks to the office before five. If you can bring it to me before then it's well and good. Otherwise I can't help you."

Wonho had an irritated expression on his face. He aggressively walked back to his seat while Vernon bowed before leaving.

"Yes Miss?" His attention turned to me but I couldn't form words to say what I wanted to say. Maybe it's useless now. I won't be able to get the assignment before five so it's no need.

"Nothing sir." I bowed and turned around but he stopped me.

"Did you submit your report?"

I again turned around and open my mouth to say something. "Umm..."

"I forgot to bring it. I'm really sorry sir." I bowed properly. I might as well just get passing marks in this subject. It's my first time to get a zero for an assignment. And it scared me.

"It's okay Meera. You can give it tomorrow."

My eyes widened in shock. I looked at him to see if he was joking but he wasn't. I said a small 'thank you' and sped walked to my seat. I let my head drop on my desk with a small thud. Things won't go well for me.

"She might kill him too."

"Or maybe she threatened him?"

"Her sugar daddy pays this college."

Not again. I never asked for this preferential treatment. Ever since I joined back all the teachers have been nice to me. I make sure that a situation like this never arises in the first place but sometimes things are beyond my control.

And because of this students hate me more.

I am a murderer and have a sugar daddy.

After the classes ended for the day, I walked as fast as could to avoid stares and glares. I reached the car parked for me. The driver opened the gate for me.

"I told you to not open the door for me!" I shout whispered at him. He immediately bowed properly. "I am sorry Mam."

Students were eyeing us suspiciously and some were recording the scene. I quickly sat inside the car. The whole ride I was filled with guilt. I shouldn't have shouted at the driver. He was just doing his job.

"I am sorry for my rude behaviour Mr Park." I bowed a little. "It's alright miss. College can give you a lot of stress." I smiled at his words and went back to home.

It felt weird to call it 'home' at one time but now I'm used to it. I shouldn't get used to it. It's all temporary. But things never go my way.

I took a quick shower and changed into casual clothes to get comfortable. With a cup of coffee in my hand I went to the balcony for some fresh air. I have to stay up late to complete my syllabus for the upcoming tests.

I was mentally preparing a rough plan that I didn't even notice a presence behind me. Strong arms were wrapped around my waist pulling me into a hard chest. I was startled and tried to move away from him.

"Mr Taehyung. I'm uncomfortable."

Squirming in his embrace didn't last long when he tightened his hold on me. His hot breath hit the back of my neck to the shell of my ear.

"Why?" He asked. By now I understood his short words and actions. He meant that why I didn't open the door for him or greet him when he came.

"I was thinking." I replied while looking ahead at the tall buildings. The view was truly beautiful.

His low growl brought me to reality. He wanted me to elaborate my reply. I had no choice.

"Tests are coming up. I'll be busier." I tried to remove his hold but he still didn't let go. What more does he want?

"Stay still." He said in a low voice. I complied. We stayed like that for a few minutes. His hold around my waist wasn't tight anymore. Instead he rested his head on my shoulder inhaling the scent of my coconut shower gel.

"I just want to hold you." His voice was soft now. Almost desperate. He was snuggling closer to me.

Eventually he let me go. I heated up dinner and we ate in peace. After cleaning up a bit I went back to my room to study.


I woke up around 1 am because of that nightmare. It haunts me every night. Without a second thought I went to my angel's room. She is the only one who could help me. Her warmth gives me comfort.

I softly knocked on her door. The light was still on.

"Angel?" She let me in and I laid down on her bed. With my eyes closed I pat the space next to me wanting her to sleep by my side. But she didn't come. I opened my eyes to see her at the study table.

"I can arrange the question paper for you."

I said while sitting up. I can't see her study like this. I am allowing her to continue her studies but I won't allow her to prioritise it over me.

"No need Mr Taehyung." I could sense anger in her tone. Maybe things are working my way. I just have to play along.

"I am here if you need me." I said in a low tone and pretended to sleep. Minutes later I heard some shuffling. I felt the bed dip in front of me. Smoothly I wrapped an arm around angel's body to pull her closer.

"Goodnight angel." I pecked the crown of her head.

Just you wait angel.

I smirked.

Votes and comments please?😍😍 next update will be faster!

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