Chapter twenty

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"Friday is the last day to submit the forms student. And don't fake your parents' or guardian's signature."

I sighed and blankly looked at the piece of paper in my hands. The department was organising a one night trip. Everyone was talking about it. Except me.

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts before grabbing my white coat and walking over to the hospital. All medical institutions are in the same premises as a hospital so that it's convenient for us future doctors to get practical experience.

"Please sunbae. Just one case. Please."

I always thought that we would be given cases but no, we have to beg for them. All the doctors or new doctors are usually busy and no one wants to handle new comers or students.

"Please. Buing buing~" some girl did aegyo to catch the doctor's attention. It was always a mess whenever we come to the hospital.

"Lets ask Dr Jung." Someone said tiredly and most of the students left the room where the senior was treating minor injuries.

"S-Sir." I gulped. With everything that has been happening in my social life I was scared to face people. The idea of talking to them never turned out to be good. Either they ignore me or they are mean to me.

"Yes?" He said something to the nurse before turning his attention to me. "Any c-case would do." I gulped again. Some students behind me quickly left on noticing the glare of the doctor. I sighed in defeat and left too.

I went to the library to look for something to study. We were given two to four hours to go to the hospital for practical experience. But it's more of begging and begging and still not getting anything.

"This looks interesting." I finally found something to study. It was an old paper burnt on the edges making the whole document crisp. It had that mysterious feel to it that I didn't waste any second and read the information which was visible on the front page.

Patient name: Mrs Kim Taehee
Date of birth: 22 October 1972

Suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder


"What is this?"

Mr Taehyung pointed at the paper in my hands. He took a seat next to me in the couch. My books were all over the centre table as I read the contents of the form in my break time.

"Nothing much. Just a trip organised by the department." I shrugged and kept the form aside.

"Aren't you going?" He moved closer. I wasn't scared of him anymore. It felt nice to have someone beside me.

"I'll just study." My eyes fell on my books. I have to complete the syllabus soon.

"You have to go. It'll be fu-"


"You have to go. It'll be fu-"

My words got caught up in my throat when my angel rested her head on my shoulder. She snuggled closer hugging my from the side. Naturally my arm went around her shoulder bringing her closer than before.

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