Chapter four

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Its our Taehyung's birthday! Happy Birthday Love! You deserve so much happiness and love.

I'll always love you.


"So umm.. would you like to go out for a movie... with me?"

Jaehyun asked me while lightly rubbing his nape. I didn't know what to say to him. He is a nice guy but I don't see him that way. I don't want to give him any hope by going on the date. I just want to focus on my studies and be a good doctor. Dating will definitely be a distraction for me.

"Jaehyun I-"

"She will come. Don't worry!" Joy said out out of the blue and then took a hold on my arm. She began dragging me to the gates. I looked back at Jaehyun and sadly smiled at him. What the heck is she doing?

"Joy slow down please. I don't have long legs like you!"

"Girl.. you don't know the urgency of the situation. See!" She pointed to a group of girls surrounding someone. I could make out the light outline of a sportscar and someone leaning against it.

"Who is that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She was again in her dreamland.

"Kim Taehyung~" she cooed and I could see stars coming out of her eyes.
"Who?" I was confused af. With an irritated sigh she took out the magazine from her bag. She pointed on the cover of it. He was the same guy whom I met in the Director's office.

"What is he doing here?"

"Does that even matter?!" As if on cue, she again dragged me like a doll. I know that I am way shorter than her but dragging me like this makes me feel shorter than I already am.

Moments later we both were a little closer to the crowd and that man was smiling at all the girls. His aura looks so different from the last time I saw him because right now he looked bright. His smiley face and the shine on his face made me look more attractive and unreal.

"Meera-ssi!" His deep voice brought me back to reality. I looked around to see whom he was calling. But then I saw him walking up to me. All the girls were as confused as me. Especially Joy.

"Is he coming for you?" She whispered. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hello. How are you?" He stood in front of me with his muscular built and a smile on his face, asking me.

I looked at the other girls as they gave me dissapproving looks and ugly faces. It really affected me. So I ended up smiling awkwardly at Taehyung. And that awkward smile was very awkward. My lips were curled in the ugliest way possible to show my discomfort.

"Should we go for a coffee?" He probably sensed my discomfort. It was written on his face as he turned back to look at the girls and in a moment they hurried inside the building with a slightly scared expression.

"Yes we will!" Joy said on my behalf. On the way, he asked me some randon questions with a light voice and loads of smiles. The atmosphere was really friendly. Fifteen minutes later we were settled inside a coffee shop.

"I'll get the orders." I took an initiative, only for Joy to have more time with her crush. She was literally glowing. I smiled before standing up and taking the orders. Joy will like Americano, I know.

"Latte for me." He said.

"Woah~ Meera likes that too." Joy said giving me a teasing look. I lightly smacked her shoulders.

"You like Latte too?" His attention was all on me and he had that amused look on his face which made him look a bit squishy. I nodded and turned my heels to get their coffees.

While standing in the line, I would occasionally turn to check on them, but everytime I'd look at them, Taehyung's eyes would meet mine, without blinking, like the time at the Director's room. His dark aura was back which replaced the bright one. I was intimidated and decided to look in the front.

After getting only their orders because I wanted to give them a nice date, I walked back to the table. I gently set the tray on the table and picked up my bag to hang it on my shoulders.

"You're going somewhere?" Taehyung asked me.


"You're going somewhere?"

"Umm... I have an errand to run." She said a bit worried. Her eyes were flicking as her pupils shook.


"..umm... take care." The girl who was sitting opposite to me said. What was her name? And my angel must sit with me. Not this random girl.

"Bye." Meera turned around but accidenly bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" He shouted scaring my angel. She flinched a little before apologising and leaving.

He made my angel scared. He made my angel apologise. He deserves to die.

"So..umm.. Taehyung-ssi? What are your hobbies?" I turned to look at her when Meera was out of my sight.

"Where is Meera?" I asked her. Maybe she knows where she went.

"Maybe she needs time to think about her little date." She casually replied while sipping her coffee.

"Date?" My angel is going out on a date? With another guy?

"With whom?" I managed to ask. I still cannot beleive that she is going out with someone who is not me.

"He is in our college, Jung Jaehyun."

Jung Jaehyun. My blood boiled at that name. He had to ruin it for me. I wanted to have a coffee with my angel  and he ruined it. My angel left me for him.

I stood up from my seat and left the place. I have to do something. Anything.

I took out my phone and called Baek hyung.

"Do something. Jung Jaehyun." He understood my short words.

"Okay. I'll do what we planned." He sighed in the end. Like I care.

"And there is some other guy too. I'll send you his picture."

I sent him the picture of the guy who bumped into Meera. Not only he bumped into her, he had the guts to call her a 'bitch'. But atleast he'll suffer a bit less than that Jaehyun guy.

Don't worry my angel. I'll protect you.

A/N: hope its good?

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