Chapter nineteen

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"Things are getting better I suppose?"

Baek hyung entered my office. He had a file in his hands as he smirked at me. I simply nodded at his question. "I didn't know that I was predictable." I said and asked for the file which he had.

"Its so obvious. You haven't fired anyone this month. Even the employees are curious to know." He laughed taking the file back when I was done signing it.

"What should I do?" I asked. I wanted my angel to be closer to me. I wanted her to rely on me. She doesn't seem to be cold but distant. She was pushing me away.

"Lemme think." He sat on the couch and held his chin in a thinking gesture. "Umm..maybe if I get a new car..I will think better." I just sighed and nodded. He smirked in victory.

"She has a soft personality. With all the things that are going on she definitely needs someone by her side. Create more problems for her and then be there when she is vulnerable. Take advantage of it."

"I have been doing half of it." I said and rubbed the bridge of my nose. My heart ached badly. I want my angel next to me.

"Go home and rest. I'll manage for today."


Class tests were finally over. But I wasn't happy. I just dragged myself to the crowd of students as they walked down the stairs. One by one their attention turned to me and they moved away to give me some space. They were scared of me. I could hear them talking and gladly, they weren't talking about me. Their talks consisted of tests and outing and food and dates.

"No! Yah!"


I turned back to look at two boys running down the stairs. Probably playing with each other. I was about to step aside to give them some space to pass by but the action was a too late.



One of them accidentally bumped into me making me fall forward and roll down the stairs. My head hit the edge of the last step. I curled myself in a ball and held my head in pain as a sharp groan left my lips.

"She deserves it."

"This is nothing compared to what Jaehyun and Taeyong went through."

When the pain died down a bit, I tried to raise myself and sit properly with my back against the wall. My hand was pressed on the wound to suppress the pain. Opening an eye, I saw my books and bag on the stairs. The students just looked at me. Once my eyes met theirs for help, they avoided my stare and rushed down the stairs to avoid trouble.

"Man you just pushed a criminal from the stairs. You got some guts!" Someone said in amusement making the guy at fault panic. He shook his head.

"I-It was an a-accident!" He gulped and hurriedly picked up his bag before leaving.

My eyes were filled with tears. I brought my legs to my chest and hugged them. Feeling some minor scratches on my skin I cried more. My loud sobs was the only thing I could hear as the sound echoed in the empty place.

I wiped my tears while sniffling when I felt the buzzing of my phone in my shorts pocket.

Mr Kim Taehyung calling...

I wasn't in the condition to accept his call. Rejecting his call, I tried to calm myself down. The scratches on the leg weren't that bad. I managed to stand up and picked up my belongings.

I stepped down the stairs with a couple of moans and turned to left to go to the restroom.

"My eyes are too puffy." I said and washed my face with cold water. The bruise above my left eye turned dark. The dried blood wasn't helping either.

"Where is it?" I was searching for an antiseptic in my small pouch when the door of the restroom opened with a bang. I flinched at the sudden noise. The place was too quiet and looked creepy which scared me all the way to hell.


"Mr Tae-"

The man looked around frantically before speed walking in my direction only to embrace me in his strong arms. I wanted to tell him that it was ladies' room but then the loud unsteady beats of his heart stopped me.

He was worried.

I didn't think more and hugged him back. Letting the rest of my tears flow, I clutched his blazer in my small fists. We stayed like that for for a good few minutes.

He pulled away and held my shoulders while bending a little to look in my eyes. I lowered my head avoiding his stare. He gripped me tight to catch my attention.

"Angel? Look at me." I sniffled and then finally looked up. His dark eyes scanned my face. Those dark orbs became darker seeing the bruise above my eye.

"Who did this?" He asked. I shook my head not wanting to tell him. "Angel." His voice went lower than usual sending chills down my spine.

"It was an accident. There was rush on the stairs and I slipped. Nothing much." I smiled at him as I said the truth.

"Then why?" He cupped my face as his long thumbs gently wiped my tears. His eyes looked so soft when he noticed my tear stinted face. His long eye lashes moved beautifully.

I held his wrists pulling away in the most polite way, keeping a sad smile. "My paper didn't go well. I missed a couple of questions." This should be enough to distract him. But his eyes were still doubtful.

"And I'm hungry. I didn't eat lunch." I shrugged casually, hoping for him to buy it. And he did.

"Let's go to the hospital first." He was about to drag me out but I stopped him. "My bag." I packed my bag properly and went to the school clinic. He insisted to go to the hospital but I knew that it only needed a minor treatment.

"Get a check up if it pains more." The nurse smiled at me while giving my a colourful capsule.

"Does it hurt?" Mr Taehyung asked when I made myself comfortable in his car. "Not much. I'm just hungry."

"But how did you find me?"

"Tracker. In your phone." I nodded in understanding. He tracks my location. But I wasn't bothered. And the fact that it didn't bother when I wasn't bothered should bother me but it didn't.

I am losing myself.


I turned to my right to look at my angel resting with her eyes closed. The white bandage on her forehead and her swollen cheeks made my blood boil. She must have been scared when I wasn't there for her.

I gripped the steering wheel till my knuckles turned pale. My nostrils flared in anger.

Who hurt my angel?! Who made her cry?!
That person won't live long. I'll kill the person with my own two hands.

I smirked when sinister thoughts clouded my mind. This is going to be fun and scary.

I really hope that you all are enjoying the story ❤️

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