Chapter fifteen

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I was running and running through a maze. The dark leaves and black sky were all that was in sight. Nothing else. It was suffocating me.

"TaeTae~" I heard my mother. Dead mother. With the little strength that was left, I ran away from it. But the voice became louder.

"TaeTae~ Won't you play with me?" Her honey like voice echoed in the whole maze. It pierced through my ears hurting me. I ran faster.

"TaeTae~ your father hit me again. It hurts." Her sobs echoed and reached my ears. I shook my head and frantically looked for an exit.

"Taehyung-ah!" Finally she screamed.

I sat straight wiping the sweat off my forehead. I was panting. It was hard to catch my breath. The same nightmare again and again. That pitchy blood curling scream was still the same.

The day I killed her. Murdered her.

I stood up from my bed and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. The clear liquid went down my throat calming my nerves to some extent. Only to some extent.


I screamed at the top of my voice and smashed the glass against the kitchen counter. My eyes were fixed on the bits of glass stuck to my palm as blood oozed out of them. I smirked. It gave me a sense of satisfaction.

"What happened?"

My angel came rushing from her room to the kitchen. I saw her eyes widening on witnessing the scene. She worriedly held my hand. Her warmth was there.

"Does it hurt?"


"Does it hurt?"

I asked. He didn't reply. He just continued to stare at me. I was a little concerned. His hand was bleeding but he wasn't affected at all. I gently held his hand and led him to the living room. I motioned him to sit on the couch while I went to my room to bring a first aid kit.

I sat next to him and took out the required things from the kit.

"It might hurt." I picked up tweezers and pull out all the shards of glass. I expected him to at least hiss in pain or something but he was still. Like it was nothing.

Once I was done, I cleaned the blood on his hand with a cotton ball dabbed in alcohol. I blew some air out of practice to make sure it doesn't hurt him. In the end I lightly rubbed some antiseptic lotion over his hand before wrapping it with a bandage.

I wasn't sympathetic when I helped it. I did it as a future doctor.

"We'll change the dressing tomorrow." I was about to stand up to leave but he held my hand.

"You still don't remember me?" He sounded hurt. But why did he ask me that again? I don't think we have met before. I looked back at him trying my best to remember but I couldn't. My memory sucks.

"No." I was leaving when he followed me. I gave him a look for him to stop. He parted his lips to say something but closed them the next moment.

"It's lat-"

"Can I sleep with you?" I shook my head at his request. No way I'm going to let this murderer sleep next to me.

I went to my room and closed the door. After making myself comfortable I closed my eyes ready to continue my sleep.

*knock knock*

"What is it?" I opened the door to see him standing with a poker face. "Please. I can't sleep alone. It's cold." I wanted to deny his request but I knew that he would disturb me again. Giving in to his request, I stepped inside for him to come in. He straightaway went to my bed and sighed loudly.

I have to endure this tonight.

I went under the blankets and faced the other side with my back to him. "It's cold." He said and scooted closer to me, wrapping his arm around my waist and hiding his face in the curve of my neck. His breath hit my neck.

It felt as if the temperature went down a couple of degrees.

"You're too close." I said and tried to wriggle out his hold but he didn't let me. He tightened his arm around me. "Please. I had a n-nightmare."

I could feel his body trembling against mine. His hold on me showed his desperation for comfort. I remembered the times when I would have a nightmare and my mother would hug me tight till I sleep again.

But I couldn't do that for him. He killed my friends. He almost killed my parents.

I let him hug me as I thought about something. He is vulnerable at the moment. I should take advantage of this and ask for something.

"Taehyung-ssi? I ..umm..never mind." I shook my head a little. A little game of push and pull should work in such a situation like this. His curiosity would get the best out of him.

"What is it?" He asked. "No it's okay. Maybe later." I tried to sound off and closed me eyes pretending to sleep.

He gently turned me around and lifted my eyes to his level. He tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear as his thumb caressed my cheek. The dim light of the night light at the corner of the room made his complexion turn golden brown. His sharp features looked sharper this close.

"Tell me." His breathy voice made me gulp.

Get yourself together!

"I want to..." I looked up at him seeing his expressions. "I want to continue my studies." He nodded waiting for me to be more clear. I took a deep breath. "I want to go to college."

I saw how his eyes weren't soft anymore. He was mad. He didn't show it but his eyes said it all.

Before he could refuse straightaway, I held the collars of his night wear. "Please. I want to be a doctor and help people in need. Please."

Come on Meera! Think of something sad! Try to cry! Do something!

I tried to think about some sad things but could remember nothing. Then I suddenly thought about my grandmother's dog who died a few years back. Her crying face was in front of my eyes.

"Angel. Don't be sad." He gently cupped my left cheek. His soft eyes were back as he looked at me worriedly.

"I'll think about it. Okay?" I nodded. Anything is good. Plus I don't want to push him too much. He might get mad and do something which isn't good for me.

I looked down and he hugged me. He rested his head on top of mine.

"Goodnight my angel."

A/N: I will try to make it more interesting. Please hang on.  ❤️

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