Chapter five

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His screams and pleas didn't affect me at all. I was rather enjoying the view with my back rested against a comfortable chair. He continued to scream for mercy. Pathetic. You deserve to die. You bumped into my angel and then had the audacity to scream at her. Now scream all you want.

"N-no. AAh! P-please. I have a family to .."

The man fell on the floor with a loud thud. The electric pole to which he was tied continued to send current into his lifeless body. I snapped my fingers calling two of my men. They switched off the electricity and brought his body near my feet. I stood up only to kick him in the guts.

"Burn him."



Jaehyun slowly leaned forward with a smile on his face as he observed my movements. I gulped and stepped back, avoiding his lips. He then nervously rubbed his nape. "I am sorry. I just-"

"It's alright Jaehyun." I smiled at him to ease his tensed form. "I'll see you at college then?" I nodded and bid my good nights to him. He waved his hand while walking to his car. With some guilt for turning him down like that, I ran to my room. After changing into my night clothes I sat on the bed and checked my phone for some notifications.

Unknown: He won't live for a long time My Angel. He'll die soon.

My eyes widened as I read the text. I immediately ran to my parents' room as if some crazy dog was running after me. My heavy footsteps echoed in the house, startling my parents as they sat on the bed waiting for me to blurt out some nonsense.

"Mumma! Papa!"

"Now what happened?" Papa lazily muttered as he sat properly. I brought the phone screen in front of them as they read the text. Their expressions hardened a bit but my father then shook his head.

"Maybe its a wrong number. Don't worry. Just sleep. If that person texts again then let me know. We will report it. Okay?" Papa said. But I was still scared. Not wanting to sleep in my room I crawled on their bed and went in between them. Hugging my mother, I wrapped a leg around her waist and snuggled closer to her. In the end, papa had to go to my room to switch of the lights in my room as I was too scared to leave their side.


The next morning was pretty normal. I completely forgot about that text and happily went to my college.

"What happened with Jaehyun?!" Joy whisper yelled between the lecture. Jisoo shook her head in disbelief. They both have contrasting personalities. Very. Jisoo was patient whereas Joy ...

"Tell me!" She again whisper yelled to catch my attention.  I mouthed 'later' to her but she just couldn't get wait. Typical Joy. After the class ended, I told them everything that happened with Jaehyun. Apart from Joy nagging me for not kissing him, it went pretty well.

"I'll be going first. Meera? Can you go by yourself?" Jisoo asked as she picked up her bag. "Of course.. it's not like there's no other transport. I'll be fine. Go or your boyfriend will roast us to death." I teasingly said and then waved her a big bye.

"I wish I had a boyfriend too.." Joy whined a little but cheered up the moment she saw her crush, Kim Taehyung.

On the television in our cafeteria.

"His eyes are so beautiful~" She rested her chin on her palms as she admired the man on screen. I looked around and saw almost all the girls drooling at his mere sight. Man! Is he that attractive? I looked at the screen to notice his features. His golden coffee complexion with a heart warming smile... wait? Am I fangirling right now? Nonono! I have to focus on my studies! I took out my chemistry book and started reading the previous lesson.

"Oh God Meera~" Joy was about to take my book when someone burst through the cafeteria gates and frantically waved his hands in the air to attract everyone's attention.

"Guys.. Jung Jaehyun..." He paused for a few seconds as his eyes saddened the moment he said his name.

" d-dead."

My eyes widened hearing that. It felt as if someone stabbed me. I stood their frozen as tears steamed down my cheeks. Joy hugged me but I was too shocked to notice it. She held my head and rested it on her shoulder as I began to sob loudly.

"Are you s-serious?" Taeyong, Jaehyun's best friend asked. His voice wavered as he asked about his 'brother'. I looked up to see the informant's face. His eyes brimmed with tears and it was enough for me to know. I snuggled closer to Joy while she soothingly rubbed my back to calm me down.

"I want to go home." That text was for me.


*A day before (after the date)*

I should apologise to her tomorrow. I was too eager to kiss her that I didn't think that she might be uncomfortable with it. Shaking my head in annoyance, I kicked a pebble by the road as I walked back to the bus stop.

"Hope you had fun.."

I turned around to see a familiar face. He was standing there in causals with an iron rod in hand. Before I could greet him, he passed me a wicked smile and swung the iron rod hitting my head.

"AAHH!" I held my head and fell on the road. Everything seemed to ringing around me. My eyelids slowly started dropping as I saw the outline of his shoes coming closer to me.

I don't know for how long I was unconscious but when I opened my eyes I was next to a pool. The whole area looked blue because of the reflection from the pool water. My head was still bleeding as I groaned in pain.

"You're awake." Again that deep voice. This time I was scared to look at him.

"What did I do for you to beat me like this Mr Kim Taehyung?"

He laughed it off and snapped his fingers. Two men came and helped me stand up. Kim Taehyung walked to me. His laugh all gone. And now I could only see evil in his eyes. Those eyes which could kill people out of an unknown fear.

"Meera Is Mine."

The two men picked me up and threw me into the pool. It was then I realised that the pool had pirhanas.


The pirhanas bit me all together as I struggled to swim out of the pool. I was about to reach the sides but I couldn't get out of it. The pool was covered with a glass. The blue water slowly turned red as I screamed in pain. I begged. But no one came.

I knew that it was my end. I was losing my consciousness. My body felt heavy and numb. Countless pirhanas were biting the life out of me as I saw him smirking.

You will not be happy Kim Taehyung. Ever.

A/N: how was it?? Do vote and comment a lot!!! ❤️❤️

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