Chapter thirty two

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"I had a great time. Thank you Jimin."

I smiled at the blonde man as he rubbed his nape in embarrassment. I don't remember being this happy and carefree in a while. We went to watch a comedy movie and laughed our hearts out.

"I had fun too."

He stepped forward and leaned towards my face. I suddenly got conscious of my appearance and moved back. I looked at him to see his reaction. He was holding back his laughter. I blinked twice.

Did I just assume that he would kiss me?

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Did I just assume that he would kiss me?

"I wasn't going to kiss your lips." He said while chuckling.

I bit my lip in embarrassment. Did I want him to kiss me? Or am I disappointed that he didn't kiss me? I wanted to run away from there. I turned around wanting to leave but he held my wrist.

I was looking down but he gently held my chin and made me look at his gorgeous face. His manly hands cupped my hot cheeks making me blush. There was something about his eyes that attracted me.

"I said that I wasn't going to kiss your lips. But that didn't mean I didn't want to kiss you."

I continued to stare at him till he leaned forward and planted his lips against my forehead. We stayed like that for a while till he pulled away.

"Good night Meera."

"How does it feel?"

I ignored Vante and stepped up the stairs to my room. I was in a good mood, talking to him will only anger me. But he didn't give up as I could hear footsteps behind me. I turned around making him halt his steps.

He smirked seeing a frown on my face.

"So...Tell me. How does it feel?" He had a mocking face.


"Don't act dumb! You know that I'm talking about."

I looked behind him hoping for Mrs Lee to come and save me but he caught my moves. "Eomma is not at home."

"Then I don't have a fucking clue!" My nostrils flared in anger. Seeing him makes my blood boil. I just hate him.

"Don't raise your voice Doll." His voice was deeper than usual as his smirk grew wider than before. In a second he pinned me against he wall with my hands above my head.

"You stole my parents and my best friend." He clenched his jaw as he let out those words laced with venom.

I scoffed. But my arrogance didn't last long when he latched his lips on my neck. I screamed and squirmed but he was stronger than me. My body froze as tears slipped down my cheeks. His kissed my neck sloppily and roughly, grazing his teeth in between.

Suddenly all my energy was gone and I didn't have the courage to push him away. My heart was filled with a known fear. And that fear made me tremble in his arms.

"Just like that. My old doll."

He whispered against my skin and pulled away. He slowly licked his lips and threw his head back, breathing heavily. He had a smile on his face. His grip still tight around my wrists. I trembled in fear, crying instead of fighting back.

He released his hold but I still didn't move away

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He released his hold but I still didn't move away. I was scared to do anything. His fingers brushed away the loose strands of my hair making me look at his dark eyes. His face was very close as his hot breath fanned my face.

"I guess my old doll is back huh?"

He smirked. But soon that smirk fell. He harshly gripped my cheeks with one hand. My pupils shook in fear. No! Please! I wanted to shout and scream but it was as if my voice was all gone.

"How was your date? Bet you had fun with your fiancé. You probably suck him good that's why he wants to marry a pest like you."

He gritted his teeth while spitting each and every word heavily. I wanted to slap him but couldn't. What is wrong with me?!

"Why don't you suck me too? I've felt you around my fingers before. You shouldn't be embarrassed this time."

That was it. I finally pushed him away and ran to my room with wobbly legs. I hurriedly locked the door and rested my back against it. Sliding against the door I hugged my knees sobbing loudly.

What is happening?!

After taking a shower I sat on the bed and took out the diary. I need to read and know the rest of it. I flipped the page randomly and stopped at a particular page. It had some smudges. Maybe I cried while writing it.

Today Jimin asked me out. I didn't want to go but eomma forced me to. Jimin was whining and jumping around, trying to convince me for the date. He was acting cute with a pout and baby voice. I couldn't resist and went with him. I smiled today. And it felt nice. He took me to a coffee and ordered my favourite.

But in my heart I was scared. I remembered how Vante treated me when he first saw Jimin and I talking. I didn't want it to repeat.

That time he forcefully stripped me off my clothes. I begged him but he didn't listen. I remembered how his hands ...

The next paragraph was unreadable. It had pen marks all over it. It was hard to make out the words. But my heart dropped when I read the previous passage again. I flipped the page to calm my nerves.

Jimin makes me feel loved. He genuinely cares for me. I can see it in his eyes how much he adores me. His eyes shine brightly.

But I'm scared. What if something happens to him because of me? I won't be able to live. That would be the last day of my life. If he is not in the world, then I will not exist as well.

I couldn't save my father but I'll do anything to save Jimin. I'll risk it all for him to protect him from Vante.

After all, he is my light.

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This story will be less than forty chapters! So ..

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