Chapter eight

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"Mumma!" I screamed and ran down the stairs to find my mother. I have to tell her about this. It's too much.

"Why are you shouting?!" She said in an angry tone but then I showed her the watch. She could feel the expensiveness radiating from it. "Who gave it to you?" She asked. A little worried herself.

"Kim Taehyung."

I then told her the entire story. Starting from our first meeting in Director's office and the way he behaved to last night event.

"We have to go. Now!" She stood up hastily and held my hand to leave the place. We have to tell the police as soon as possible. The situation is out of our hands now.

But before I could leave the home, my phone ringed. "Don't!" Mumma said to stop me from picking up the phone. I nodded and left with her. She was locking the door when I received a text from him.

Unknown: Your father is in Busan right?

I gulped as I read the text. My breathing became heavy as I showed the text to my mother. She brought her hands up to cover her face. "What are we supposed to do now?" She said defeatedly.

"Let's just talk to your father." She unlocked the door and we went inside. I called my father but he didn't pick up. And it only made us restless.

"He might be busy in a meeting." I said to calm my mother who was close to fainting. I quickly went to the kitchen and brought something for us to eat. We both have low blood pressure, we need to eat something from time to time if we don't want to feel weak.

"Hello?" Finally papa picked up his phone.

"Where were you?!" Mumma screamed all worried. She had tears in her eyes.

"I was in a meeting. What happened? Did you go to the police?"

"Not yet."

Then I told him what all I told Mumma. He was taken aback. He knew the name Kim Taehyung and about his big business. He had even met him in some party.

"I will come back as soon as possible. Then we'll sort this out. Stay inside for now."

And just like that, we stayed inside. Mumma was not able to talk. It was like her voice was gone. Even though I wanted to comfort her, I couldn't. It's not a good time to approach her. She prefers to stay alone in worried situations.

I'm scared.


I entered the big perfume store with my angel's scarf in my hand. If I want to make her happy then I have to give her what she likes. Maybe the watch wasn't her style.

"Hello sir. How may I help you?" The store lady approached me but I ignored her. I probably know more than her. From my peripheral vision I could see Baek Hyung trying to talk to that lady to stay away from me.

"This one." I was wandering around the store till I finally found the perfume that I was looking for. The small transparent bottle with light pink designs on one half of it was in my hand as I imagined myself giving it to her. I can see her smiling as my gesture. She will love it. It's her favourite perfume after all.

Paris Hilton's CanCan

"Hyung." Just one word and he understood what I wanted him to do. He asked the sales lady to nicely pack the perfume for me.

I have to meet my angel tonight. Everything must be perfect.


"We should still tell the police. They called a few hours back and I told them that you're not well.  They might suspect you for no reason so we must go immediately."

Papa said all serious. The way his fingers trembled a little was enough to tell me that he was afraid. A psychotic killer was on loose, more specifically after his daughter's life, any father would be close to loosing all his hair.

"We shouldn't del-" His words were interrupted by the doorbell.

"It must be the neighbours. I was supposed to meet them today but I forgot." Mumma said and stood up to go to check. "I'll go." Instead I went to see who it was. I don't think it's our neighbors although I do hope for it to be them.

I opened the door only to be greeted by the man I never wanted to see.

"Kim Taehyung."

There he was all dressed up in a suit and flowers in his hand. But with usual blank face. But a small smirk crept up his lips when I said his name.

"Say it again." He said or rather ordered in his deep voice that made me step back. I slammed the door shut and ran inside to tell my parents.

"Kim Taehyung is outside!" I held my hair in panic and sat on the couch with a fast beating heart. Mumma clutched a cushion close to her feeling her blood pressure drop. And papa just stayed still.

"He might have come to k-kill us!" Mumma said. "Just shut up!" Papa shouted at her. He wanted to be calm and strong for his family but it wouldn't be possible if we keep on saying such things in front of him. He is a human too. He would be scared for his family.

My phone buzzed and I checked the text.

Unknown: open the door or it won't end nicely.

"I'll open the door. Just stay here." Papa said as he slowly walked towards the gate. I could hear the opening of the door and multiple footsteps.

Papa stood beside us near the kitchen while Kim Taehyung made himself comfortable on our couch. He crossed his legs and kept the flowers next to him. He eyes lazily turned to us three as he signaled with his eyes for us to sit.

"It's going to be a long talk."

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I'll update soon!❤️
Love you!

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