Chapter eighteen

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I hugged my knees as tears slipped out of eyes continuously. I've had bad days before but today was much worse.


"I didn't do it!"

But no one believed me. Everyone looked at me with such hate and disgust that made me want to kill myself.

"Don't lie! The paper was leaked and your sugar daddy has a copy of it!"

"But I never saw that damn paper..." I stopped raising my voice. It was of no use. I lost all my energy to try to convince that I was innocent. I studied enough for the tests. Why would I cheat?

"You should be expelled."

"Expulsion isn't enough. She should die mercilessly. Just like-"

I covered my ears and ran away from there. They continued to shout and scream at me. I can't take this anymore. I accidentally bumped into a teacher who was entering the class to discuss the matter.

He motioned me to go inside the classroom as other teachers along with the Director, Mr Yoo joined him. I hesitantly moved to my lone seat.

"We have checked the matter. The paper was leaked but we don't have enough evidence so as to accuse someone. The most we could do is to conduct this test again." Mr Jung, who was the incharge of the subject of which we had the test.

"We know who the culprit it. You know it too. Why can't you just do the needful." Someone at the back spat those words with hate and others nodded. I hung my head low.

"Do you have any evidence?"

It was silent when the Director spoke. No one said anything. They looked at each other hoping for someone to say something. But no one did.

"We must not accuse someone just because 'we know'. What if we're wrong?"

When no one said anything, the teachers left. Not wanting to hear any other comment, I stormed out of the class.

I want to go home.

Flashback end

I wiped my tears and looked around my messy room. I didn't bother to clean it. My head was messier. Even the constant ringing of the doorbell didn't bring me to reality.


I looked up to see Mr Taehyung standing at the doorframe. He took a few quick steps and sat on my bed next to me. My head turned to my right to avoid him.

He cupped my cheeks gently as I sniffed as quietly as possible. He swiped his thumbs on my cheeks to wipe my new tears. His eyes bore into my wet ones.

"Don't cry. Please. I can't see you like this."

He was almost begging with a tone like that. He always had a blank face which made it difficult for me to decode his emotions. He would have the same expression whether he's angry, restless, happy or calm. But by now I learned to notice the tone of his voice. He wasn't growling or had a deep voice. This time the voice had a light texture to it.

He was worried.


He begged again. I don't know what came over me and I ended up crying loudly. He wrapped his arms around my frame and pulled me close as I naturally rest my head on his chest.

"I'm here for you Angel. I'm here for you." Mr Taehyung caressed my back soothingly to calm me down.

I still hate him but I can't lie to myself that I miss this care. This affection.

I was never alone. Ever since I was young I was surrounded by my family, relatives and friends. Whenever I had a hard time, there were people by my side to give me strength. There was always someone to make me feel better.

But now.. no one is there for me. Except for him, Mr Kim Taehyung.

He is here giving me the care and attention I want. I know that I'm being selfish. But at the moment I could only think of his embrace. He was holding me so lightly and yet it was so comforting.

The hug was something which I expected from Jisoo or Joy. I wanted them to trust me but they didn't. They've known me for a long time and still they accused me of... did they really believe that I would..

My emotions were all over the place.


Smirking, I rested my head above hers.

I had to do it for my Angel. I had to make her hate everyone and everyone hate her. It's all for her. She needed to realise that they are not good for her. They'll turn their backs on her if they have too. And she doesn't deserve that.

That's how the real world works. It's cruel for a pure soul like hers. She must be protected from the evils. No one can't taint her.

I want you to trust only me. I want to be the only person in your life you'll rely on. There should be only me.

"I need some time." She said while pulling away from me. She wiped her nose with the long sleeve of her T-shirt and looked away.

"Lets have dinner first. I bought burgers." I held her warm hands and led her to the living room. She didn't resist.

I brought the plates for dinner while she removed all the packaging around the food. Her eyes smiled when she looked at those burgers. Those were her favourite burgers from McDonalds.

She smiled a little when I pushed the plate to her. I made my angel smile. And I will be the only one to do that from now on.

We ate dinner while watching some random program on television. She wanted to clean the area but I didn't let her do it. I don't want her to do something so menial.

So she went to sleep while I went to work in my room.

After I was done with my work, I walked to her room. She wasn't sleeping. Her back was rested against the backrest as she mindlessly looked at the wall in front. I sat next to her form. My hands went to her cheek stroking them lightly. She slowly turned her head to look at me.

She looks so vulnerable right now. Her gaze is so different from what I've usually seen.

That means I must continue what I'm doing. I want her to hate everyone more and more if it means that she would let me take care of her.

But first I need to make use of this golden opportunity.

Taking advantage of her vulnerability I leaned forward and placed my wet lips on her forehead. The peck lasted a few seconds before I inched back to see her fluttering her eyes open.

"Goodnight my Angel."

A/N: how was it? ❤️
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