Chapter twenty eight

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Happy new year💜💜 Twist is here.

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My body reacted on its own and in an instant I was on top of Jungkook shielding him from TaeTae's attack. The rod hit my back as I screamed my lungs out. I panted, trying to gain my breath. The pain was unbearable. Even the slightest movement made me hiss.


He held my shoulders and tried to make me sit properly. Jungkook was still lying on the ground. My eyes shifted to TaeTae who was crying hard.

"Why d-did you do i-it?"

He wiped his tears. His knees dug in the mud while he hugged me from the side. "Pl-please don't leave m-me!" His voice wavered as he broke down.

"Why would I leave you?"

I managed to say despite the pain.

"Because you tried to leave me before!" He raised his voice making me flinch. He wailed and picked up the rod.

"When?! I don't even remember!" I didn't back down.

"When you saw me kill Suga! You tried to leave me! You packed your bags and were about to leave when I stopped you! You feared me! You pushed me away and called me a monster!"

He furiously wiped his tears and continued, "We had a fight that night. It was raining. You were running away. I held your wrist but you said that you hated me! I had to stop you but didn't know how. I was trying to pull you but then you slipped and fell down the stairs. I didn't even know that you were pregnant! You hid it from me! How could you! I was ready to do anything for you but you decided to leave me for someone else!"

I was trying to process the information when he stood up. He moved his neck side to side and gripped the rod. He smirked looking at Jungkook. He flared his nostrils in anger. He turned to look at me for a moment. I shook my head but he showed me a sinister smile.

"Hyung. Please.." Jungkook begged. He weakly rubbed his palms and closed his eyes to show his desperation to live.

"TaeTae. Pl-please."

I choked on my tears and shut my eyes close when TaeTae screamed loudly. I could hear him hitting the dead boy over and over again. With every hit he let out a loud growl.

"You deserve to die!"

Tears burned my skin as I rolled my head back and let my body fall on the muddy ground. I wanted to curl myself in a ball but the pain in my back didn't let me.

"Honey?" I didn't want to open my eyes. "Honey." His voice went low and I immediately opened my eyes fearing him. He wiped his bloody chin with the back of his hand. His chest heaved due to lack of energy.

"See. He is dead. He won't trouble us."

TaeTae pointed at the dead body.

"I hate you."

His body froze at the sudden words. He looked at me with no emotion. But then he broke into a fit of laughter.

"I thought..." he laughed again. "..I thought.. I heard you say you hate me. Silly me." He tried to be cute and hit his head lightly. But the blood on his clothes and face told a different story.

"I hate you!"

"I hate yo-"

He harshly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. The dark aura surrounded him. He then roughly grabbed my cheeks when I glared at him. His nails dug in my skin but I didn't flinch.

"Honey you love me. I know you do. You're just confused because of them. I'll make you love me."

He smiled but I know that smile meant something else. I wanted to spit more hateful words but his tight grip didn't let me. He pressed his forehead against mine with a small thud.

"I love you honey. You're mine and mine alone."

My eyelids became heavy. I could feel myself losing consciousness. TaeTae let go off my cheeks and stood up. He scooped me in his arms as I tried to push him away. My body felt light. Weakness took over me and I ended up resting my head against his chest.

"Sleep well honey."


Déjà vu

I've felt this before. My eyes were stuck. It took all the energy of my body to snap my eyes open. I panted. After a minute or so, I calmed down. It was then I noticed my surroundings.

With all the machines beeping beside me I could make out that it was a hospital. My room screamed luxury. It was big and spacious with a wooden book shelf. The curtains were red velvet.

But I hate hospitals. I hate everything about them. I despise them.

I closed my eyes and decided to forgot all my worries for a while.

After what felt like an eternity I opened my eyes. I looked at the changed surroundings which made me anxious. The room was normal sized and had all the essentials. It wasn't luxurious or basic, it was somewhat in the middle.

My arms and forehead was covered with a bandage. It was as if I got into a big accident.


It was then I noticed that there was someone else in the room. He held my hand and slept with his head on the bed. His loud snores caught my attention.

"You're awake." A nurse entered the room. She slid the peach curtains aside letting the sunlight enter the room.


She quickly handed me a glass of water. I pulled my hand away from the stranger and calmed my thirst. "I'll call the doctor." The nurse left after making sure that my vitals were okay.

The man wasn't bothered at all. He slept soundly and faced the other way. The only thing which made me feel better that it wasn't someone I know. His physique was different.

"Uh.." he woke up from his sleep and looked around till his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened. Standing up immediately he held my shoulders.

"Are you okay? Do you need something? Wait I'll call the doctor."

He was ready to leave but I stopped him. "Nurse will come back with the doctor. She checked me."

It was weird but it was as if I cared about him. I wanted to protect him. Someone who meant so much to me.

He looked so tired and I wanted him to rest comfortably. He massaged his forehead and then looked at me. "You okay?" He asked again to which I nodded. But then..

"Who are you?"

A/N: who is the mysterious man?! Any guesses?

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