Chapter thirty three

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Everything was pitch black around me. I walked in a random direction and all of a sudden there was a big old door in front of me. My trembling hands held the doorknob to open the door.

A silent scream left my lips.

My eyes snapped open as I breathe heavily. I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead. It took me a few minutes to calm down and sit straight. The nightmare replayed in my mind on repeat. I looked at hands which were trembling in fear. It could be a memory.

Did he really kill his own father?

The sudden creak of the door brought me back to reality. I immediately pulled the blanket closer to me realising that it's Vante. The same fear made its way to my heart making my breath shallower than before.

"Wh-what do you want?"

He smirked, "I want to remind you something."

He removed his jacket and threw it to the corner before dipping his knee on the bed. That smirk didn't leave his face as he slowly crawled in my direction. I could only fist the blanket till my knuckles turned white. My breath hitched when his smirk turned to a big satisfied grin.

"My Doll is back."

At first, I didn't get it but the moment his fingertips touched my wet cheeks, I knew it. He was happy that I was crying helplessly.

"P-please." I didn't know if the begging would help but I still decided to beg for mercy. My voice was more of a whisper even though I wanted to shout and scream for help.

"I miss playing with my Doll. And I'm sure that you miss it too. Right?"

He pushed me down on the bed and hovered over me. My body froze at his touch. Why can't I move my body?! What can't I scream?! His lips touched my neck and I bit my lip to stop any sinful sound which would satisfy him in any way. I squirmed in his embrace but he let out a deep growl near my ear warning me to stay still.

He harshly gripped my wrists and pinned them above my head. His dark eyes bore into mine as he clenched his jaw. His grip around my wrists tightened and I know there was no use fighting back. He brought his face closer till our noses touched. I gulped.

"You're my Doll. And only mine."

He dipped his face in my neck biting me again and again as I hissed in pain.

"I'll t-tell Mrs. Lee."

My voice broke when I tried to threaten him but instead he stopped his movements and let out a chuckle. His face was hidden in my neck but I was sure that he was smirking. He pulled back with an amused smile making me weak.

"You sure want history to repeat hmm?"

He let go off my hands and I didn't push him away. My mind was busy interpreting his words but within a few seconds it clicked me.

"You killed your own father because I told him about your true self..."

I said lowly as my eyes were blankly fixed on his face. I don't know if it was a question or an assumption but whatever it was, his smirk gave me the answer.

"How c-could you..."

My throat turned dry as hot tears stung my eyes. The pain in my chest was more than the fear in my heart. I held the collars of his nightwear and stared into his eyes with hate and disgust.

His smirk faltered. His body shook a little as I could feel anger building up inside him. His eyes dropped to my neck making me withdraw my hands.

"He tried to stop me. He told me not to play with you! He died because of you. If you hadn't told him about me, I wouldn't have gone to that extent."

Images of the nightmare or a memory I had suddenly became fresh in my mind. The old man lied on the floor with blood all over his head while Vante stood proud with a bloody lamp in his hand. He smirked in my direction as I screamed. My father took his last breath in front of my eyes trying to protect me from his son's obsession. Run, he mouthed to me.

"B-but then.. why did you k-kill my biological parents?" I wanted answers which were not written in my diary.

"Because they abused you. I helped you so now I own you! Every breath you take is because of me!"

I cried helplessly. I was helpless and I didn't care. Scolding their own children because they are whining is not abusing! He killed them thinking that he was saving me. The little scoldings I had to endure that time was all because of him! He should kill himself!

"You don't want the same thing to happen to your lover right?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at his sinister smile. It was dark and mysterious. He laughed and rolled his head back enjoying the fear and pain he caused me.

"Don't hurt him. Please."

I calmed myself and begged again. Even if I have to get on my knees and rub my palms to please his ego, I will do it. I'll do anything to keep Jimin safe and sound.

"If you want to save him, then leave him."

"I bought muffins."

Jimin kept the big box in front of us and sat next to me. I was in my art room looking at the paintings. I turned to look at him smiling while looking around the room.

I have to do it. I have to leave him because I want him to live.

"Jimin?" I called to catch his attention. He asked me to wait before standing up and looking for a specific painting. I decided to prepare myself and mentally practice once again.

"Here it is." He picked up a painting and made it face me. My lips parted in amazement hiding the guilt in my heart. My eyes landed on my name at the bottom of the canvas. It made it more difficult to break up with him than it already was.

It was his portrait. His golden locks looking shinier than usual with a charming smile adorning his luscious lips.

I can imagine the amount of happiness I experienced while painting his portrait. Each and every stroke was carefully done as to not make a single mistake to ruin the art made by the God himself. I was merely recreating it on a canvas.

"You gifted me this on our engagement and I decided-"

"Lets break up Jimin."

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