Chapter thirty one

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If you're not me..
Then please don't read it.

My fingers brushed over the text. While cleaning my closet I found a diary. It was hidden behind my art supplies. It had a dark pink cover with beautiful beads and stones. I flipped through the pages and realised that it was my diary.

I took a deep sigh and decided to read it. I flipped the page to read another text.

I have been keeping things inside my heart for so long and it's killing me. I have to let it all out.

I lost my father and my biological parents because of him. Because he wanted to play with me.

His doll.

My eyes widened at the words written in the diary. My fingers brushed against it as I read those words over and over again. No wonder it was all about Vante. I took a deep breath and decided to continue reading.

I was six. I was happy with my parents.

One day we visited my father's friend. "They have a son. You'll have someone to play with." That's what my mother said.

Just like she said, I met a boy who was a little older than me. I tried to befriend him but he pushed me away. I wanted to play with him but he didn't share his toys. I cried. I remember crying hard and asking my parents to take me back home. But they shushed me and talked to the couple.

Some weeks later we visited them again. This time I decided to stay away from him and it was better. But then he pushed me down the stairs. I cried. My leg was bleeding and it hurt a lot.

"I think it's better if she stays here for the night."

The lady suggested. I saw the boy smirk. My parents looked at me and asked if it was okay. I shook my head. I couldn't be with him. So I left with my parents. I remember him glaring when I left that night.

It went on for years. Sometimes they visited us. Birthdays, dinners, he was everywhere.

His icy glare, cold touch scared me since then.


I immediately closed the diary when Mrs Lee opened the door to see me. She passed me a smile. "Jimin sent something for you. Come downstairs." She happily motioned me to follow her. I kept the diary back in its place before following her.

"What is this?"

My eyes went to the big box taking up a huge space in the living room. It was bigger than me and had a yellow ribbon beautifully wrapped around it. I curiously eyed Mrs Lee who had a teasing smile on her face. She knew what was inside.

"Open it." She said happily. Her hands were pressed together ready to clap any moment. I sighed and walked to the giant box. But before I could actually touch it, it started shaking. It was mild at first but then the movements turned violent.

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