Chapter twenty one

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I was supposed to do a double update but I couldn't stop myself from posting this chapter right now. Next update will be up in around two days.

I tried uploading pictures but something's wrong.

Do vote and comment a lot 💜


I stepped out of the bus and followed the excited students. I decided to go on this trip to relax. No one would talk to me and I think it's better that way.

The resort where we were supposed to stay for the night was more than beautiful. It was heavenly. Although it was away from the city and we had to pass through a thick forest, it was all worth it. The pools were breathtakingly beautiful. After admiring the view, I carried my bag and stood behind the girls with whom I was going to share the room.

"Meera?" I turned around to see a teacher calling me. She walked in my direction and I bowed.

"Here. Take this key. You have a separate room." She extended the key and I took it from her. I didn't look at the students surrounding us to know what they're thinking. I thanked my teacher and left for the room.


I lied down on the big fluffy bed. The room was to my liking. It was spacious and light, and still had that expensive touch to it. The view of the sea was enough to calm my anxious heart. Cannot expect anything less from Mr Kim. Opening my suitcase I arranged my clothes in the cupboard first and then took a refreshing shower.

My phone buzzed when I was done changing for the evening.

Mr Kim: See you soon my angel

See you soon? Is he coming here?

An uneasy feeling grew in the pit of my stomach. I shook off that feeling and went downstairs to the pool area. In a few minutes I found a secluded corner. I plugged in my earphones and looked at the students having fun. Some were in the pool while some were dancing to the music. Teachers were relaxing by the pool.

They were all if it was their last day.

"Park Woojin?! Park Jihoon?!"

Mr Choi called for the notorious boys. He sighed when the friends of the two shrugged their shoulders not knowing about their whereabouts.

"These boys won't let me relax." Mr Choi rubbed his temples and went back inside. Those two were probably off to something. This outing is a big opportunity for them to let go just like that.

"She is ruining our atmosphere. I feel like kicking her out of this place."

Here we go. I have been here for less than fifteen minutes and they already started it. They seem to think that I can't hear them; what they don't know is that I don't blast the music in my ears. Just below average volume is fine for me.

"We can't kick her out. Her sugar daddy paid for this trip!"

"Makes sense. I knew our department isn't rich enough to book this top quality resort for us."

I stood up and walked to the other area. I ended up walking around the whole resort and it was indeed big. Each and every area was different and appealing. The sun was setting and it gave a whole new look to the surroundings.

I was busy admiring the sunset when my phone 'dinged'. It was group message asking the students to the come to the dining room for dinner. I clicked a few pictures before going inside.

Most of the students were settled. I took my place in the extreme corner and waited for the dishes.

"Park Jihoon?!" Everyone looked at the girl who was busy looking for her boyfriend.

"Girl chill. He is probably with Woojin. We can't find him either." But she shook her head rapidly. She looked scared and worried.

"I'm not able to contact him. Please help me to find him." She was on the verge of crying but people just brushed it off.

"You're just jealous that he spends more time with his boyfriend and not you." Most of them ended up laughing. I almost felt pity for the girl as she walked to her seat and picked up her phone. Probably trying to call her boyfriend, again.

"I'm hungry!"

As if on cue, waiters entered the room with big plates containing delicious food. Some of the foods were covered with lids and that made everyone more excited. One by one the dishes were carefully placed on the table.

"I really want to know what's inside." Someone commented towards the covered dishes. Each long table has two of such mysterious items. No one looked at the other dishes. All their attention was on the big dishes.

"Come on! Open them!"


The moment those lids were lifted, horror screams filled the entire dining room. Everyone moved away from the table while stumbling on their chairs. They screamed and screamed as tears streamed down their cheeks.

I didn't even realise that I was crying till I tasted my own tears.

Those were not dishes. It had bloody heads of Woojin, Jihoon and all those students who have actually hurt me.

Joy, Jisoo...

I looked away from their bloody heads only to find everyone glaring at me. Their eyes screamed pain as they slowly stepped in my direction. With their chest rising and falling in anger, I could only move back in an attempt to steady myself.


All of a sudden some girl ran to my and wrapped her hands around my throat. I was trying to push her away but when others joined her, I knew I couldn't be saved.


They pushed me on the ground and kicked me over and over again. I could only cover my face.
"Ah!" I winced in pain when a plate was smashed against the back of my head. Blood dripped down my forehead as my vision blurred because of my tears.

"W-what is th-this?" Suddenly the lights in the room flickered. They all stopped and looked at the ceiling. They stood in pairs and groups as fear crept up in their hearts. Something bad was going to happen. 

When everyone was distracted I stood up with all my remaining strength and got out of the dining hall. "Yah!" I turned around to see a guy trying to follow me out as he attracted everyone's attention. But before he could come out, the doors were closed.

Screams. I heard screams mixed with curses and loud banging on the door. "Let us out you bitch!" I stepped backwards while my eyes were stuck on the door as it shook violently.

"Open this door!"

"Please! We'll not kill you! Just open the damn door!"

I sniffled and kept walking backwards till my back touched something hard. My body froze at the sudden contact. I couldn't move an inch. It was as if I stopped breathing. My eyes rounded in horror. I didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

Mr Kim Taehyung

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