Chapter thirteen

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I rushed this update. I hope it's good. Comment and vote a lot💜


"What are you doing to me angel?"

My blood boiled looking at those filthy hands on my angel. My nose flared in anger wanting to cut that man in small pieces and feed them to hungry dogs.

"Let go." My voice was deeper than usual as I warned that man with my eyes to let go off my angel. He could ruin her purity.

I saw him gulp in fear but he didn't let go. Seems like he wants to be dead.

"Hyung." I turned a little to look at Baek hyung. He immediately nodded and took out his phone. Soon the security came and took that man away from us who kept shouting bullshit.

All this while my eyes looked for my angel. She looked so vulnerable and fragile. I was afraid that someone would hurt her while I'm away. Her tears and red eyes said it all. She was scared and hurt.

I stepped forward making her look up at me. "Are you hurt?" She shook her head and turned around to leave.

"I'm sorry sir. I'll be careful next time. Please forgive me." A random nurse came and bowed deeply to apologise. She was the one who was appointed to look after Meera. She failed.

"You're fired." I didn't bother to look at her shocked face and followed my angel. "Sir please! I'll work harder!" That nurse was on her knees and rubbing her palms to beg. I wanted to step over her face and move but my angel's voice stopped me.

"Yuqi. It's time for my medicines."


"Yuqi. It's time for my medicines."

I can't let him fire her for something I did. It's not her fault. She got into the mess because of me. I turned around and looked at her who was on her knees.

"Yuqi." My voice was authoritative that made her look at me in doubt. She wanted to follow me but then her eyes went to the man who stood tall and proud.

"Yuqi." I called her again. This time she stood up and followed me with hesitant steps, looking back after every three steps.

She handed me the capsules when I made myself comfortable on the hospital bed. It's been around thirty minutes since I got out of this room and I already caused troubles for me as well as two more people.

"Relax." I held Yuqi's hand. She was biting her lips continuously. I need to do something.

Our attention went to the doors when it opened. Kim Taehyung and the other man who was probably his secretary, entered the room.

"I want to eat fruits." I turned to Yuqi. She immediately nodded and sat on the couch to cut all the expensive fruits.


I slowly looked at him. His voice didn't show that he was mad which made me a little confident to talk to him. He made himself comfortable on the chair beside my bed.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked while looking directly in my eyes. I was mad. I was furious but the look on his face made me not want to say how I actually felt. I can't read his face. He always has this poker face which makes things ten times harder.

So I simply looked away.

"Angel? Please look at me." His hands found mine as he intertwined our fingers to catch my attention. But something else made me turn my head.

"So warm." He said while looking at our clasped hands. But his hands...

They were cold. The sudden chill made me scared for some reason that I wasn't aware of.

"Mam, fruits." Yuqi placed the plate on a small foldable table and kept it on my lap. I gave her a smile to thank her. She nodded a little and quickly left the room after making sure that I won't need anything for the time being.

"Do you need something else? A bigger room?"

"I want to talk to my parents." I gulped waiting for his reaction. He didn't reply. His expression didn't change.

But he tightened his grip on my hand letting me know that I shouldn't have said that. His expressions hardened. Is it that bad that I want to know if my family is okay?

"You only need me."

I yanked his arm away when he said that. I was mad at that moment and I didn't mind showing it to him. He crossed his limits.

"Leave." I said coldly and turned to look at the glass window. I didn't want to say something and regret later. It's better I try to distract myself before I create more problems for myself.

"Angel?" His hands looked for mine but I avoided his touch. I expected him to leave but he didn't. He sat there without uttering a single word.

When I finally looked at him with irritation, his gaze was on my wrist which had some red marks on them. When he saw me looking at him, he gently held my wrist and caressed those marks.

"He will pay for this."

My eyes widened at that. No! I cannot let another person die because of me. Or rather because the man in front is obsessed with me!

"I'll do what I can." His secretary said catching out attention. Kim Taehyung 'hmm' as a reply as that man opened the door.

"Wait!" I stopped him. "What will you do to h-him?" My voice trembled as my mind was filled with horrible things. Taeyong's bloody face flashed before my eyes. Taeyong. I'm sorry.

"Not sure." He replied with a thoughtful face. "Maybe cut his hands? Or crush them under the bulldozer? I'll see the resources." He said before leaving with a smirk.

"P-please don't do anything. Please." I begged letting go of my ego. His eyes again turned dark making my gulp in fear.

He leaned forward and extended his hand to tightly hold my nape. He roughly pulled me to him causing our foreheads to bump hardly. I hissed in pain.

"Angel. You must not worry about people like him. They don't deserve to live. Not after hurting you." So ironic. When he is the one who's hurt me the most.

His breath fanned my face as I had my eyes closed.

I couldn't look him in the eye. I was scared. I wanted to leave. I want to be with my parents.

"Live with me."
A/N: vote and comment a lot 💜 it would mean a lot❤️❤️

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