Chapter thirty six

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This is the Second last chapter


His face didn't leave my mind

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His face didn't leave my mind. My body ached badly as I tried to move myself away from him. I thought that my body moved but then suddenly I couldn't see anything. My eyes were closed when I felt a loud ringing in my ears.

My eyes snapped open while I breathed heavily. I took a few deep breaths and moved my neck to see my surroundings. A hospital room. I stared at the light coloured ceiling before letting out my tears.

Continuing to lie on the bed, I cried my heart out. Everything was a mess and I didn't know what to believe. I brought my hands up to cover my face to stop those ugly cries of helplessness.


Someone helped me sit straight with my back against the backrest and gave me a glass of water to calm myself. I looked at the nurse while handing her the empty glass. She looked familiar. She was about to leave when I held her hand.

"What's your name?"


The name was familiar but still I couldn't pin point anything.

I then noticed my arms and legs covered in bandages. What happened?

"There was an explosion in a resort. You were badly hurt. Others were there too but.."

"B-but what?" My voice cracked not wanting to hear what she was about to say. Was that real?

"They couldn't make it. I'm sorry."

She gave me a sad smile before leaving to inform the doctor. I pulled the blanket closer feeling a sudden chill around me. I looked outside through the balcony glass and it was dark with no moon.


The light flickered continuously as I moved back as much as possible. It was quite dark. I got off the bed and tried looking for something to protect myself with.

I screamed on the top of my lungs when I saw a figure at one corner of the room. He had bite marks all over him as blood oozed out of his open flesh wounds. He slowly stepped out to reveal himself. My eyes widened in utter horror making me lose my strength. I fell on the floor.

He was Jung Jaehyun.

"It's all because of you Meera. You!" He screamed while pointing at me. He moved aside as more people joined him. I cupped my mouth seeing many of them bloody and beheaded.

Joy, Jisoo, Taeyong...

"I can't believe you'd do this." Jisoo stepped forward while staring right in my eyes. I gulped and crawled back.

[Completed]Yandere Love-Ft. BTS' Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now