Chapter fourteen

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"This is our new home."

I lightly squeezed my angel's hand as I showed her around our new home. She doesn't like being in a big mansion so I bought her this new modern apartment.

"You like it?" Her hand was so warm and soft. I could hold it for ever. She nodded and looked around the place as I let go off her hand. The warmth leaving too.

"Do we have neighbours?" She asked curiously and walked to the kitchen. I followed her.

"Not yet." Because I bought the other apartment too. No one will ever disturb us.

She then walked to the balcony and tried sliding the door. She had a frown on her face as she tried to open it with all her might.

"I'll open it." I went to her and removed the curtains lightly to see the small machine on the wall beside. It needed a password to open. I was worried that she might try to leave if I'm not at home or try to hurt herself so I have this secured system.

"Seriously? A security system for a balcony? I mean do you think that I'm that stupid to jump off from there?? Not forgetting the fact that we're on the 21st floor?!" She raised her voice but when I raised my eye brows she pressed her lips together and looked away.

She walked to the balcony and came back to the kitchen. "Let's go out for lunch." I picked up my car keys.

"Umm..." she seemed hesitant. I quickly walked to her and held her shoulders. "What happened?" She looked up to meet my eyes.

"I'm tired. Can we just order some noodles?"

How can I turn down my angel's request? It's actually the first thing she ever asked me to do for her without any conditions.

Overwhelmed by an unknown emotion, I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She was stiff so I tried my best to embrace her as warmly as possible.

She was so warm.

"Please hug me back."

I don't know if I have ever been this vulnerable in front of anyone before. My angel makes me break all my walls and boundaries around her. She makes me feel alive.

I could feel her raising her hands and holding my waist. Her hands were trembling. Why are you so scared my angel? I never did anything to you. I've always tried to keep you safe from the world.

But more than that I was feeling something which I have never experienced before. Something bright and strong. I wanted to smile. Is this...




I was trying to pull away but he tightened his hug. I let it be and stayed like that.

"Angel?" I hummed against his chest. It's creepy with the way he looks at me but it's creepier when he calls me that.

"How do you know if you're happy?"

I finally managed to pull away and looked at him. He was curiously studying my face for an answer.

"Well, Happiness is when you feel content and don't want that moment to end. You don't care about anything but that moment. Everyone has their own definition and this was mine."

He nodded with a thoughtful face. He leaned forward and cupped my cheeks taking me by surprise. His icy cold hands sent chills down my spine.

"You are my happiness."

I gulped and stepped back at an arm's distance. I didn't dare to look at his face. Before he could say something that would scare me to sleep I decided to break the cold atmosphere.

"I'm really hungry." Then I finally looked when he moved back to make a call. "What do you want to eat?"

"Black bean noodles."

After we were done with our lunch he went to his room to work while I went to mine. It was nice and cozy. And had a good feel to it.

I can't believe I accepted his offer to live with him. But I had to. If I have to leave then I want resources. I'm not at all interested in gaining his trust like a cliche movie. His is obsessed with me. So I need to be smart and make a rough plan. And I don't think that it's easy to outsmart him. Also, I want money and certain things including time to leave this place forever.

When done with my thoughts, I went to his room and knocked.

"Come in." I went inside his room and it was like some other world. Everything seemed majestic and royal. The bed was quite big and looked like it was made for a king. The antique at the corner of the room looked hella expensive.

I shook my head and collected my thoughts.

"I want to talk to my parents."

I said, not requested. He nodded and took out a box from his closet. He handed it to me. I didn't waste any time and unwrapped it quickly. I went back to my room and dialled my father's number.

I agreed to live with Kim Taehyung on two conditions. First that he would let me talk to my parents at least once a week. And secondly, he would not hurt the man from the hospital in any way. It was wrong on my part to steal his phone.

"Papa!" I burst into tears when I heard his voice.

"Meera?" He voice started to crack as well.

They told me that they were coming back here to get me. But I refused. They were safe there.

"No! Stay there. I will come to you when the time comes. Please just live there normally." If they come here things would get complicated. It would become difficult for me to leave this place because my parents are my weakness. Mr Kim could use them to keep me here.


"Please. I'm fine here. He will not hurt me."

I was all calm and relaxed. And that made them have faith in me. I hung up after taking to mumma. I placed the phone in a drawer and lied on my bed. I was so tired. I needed sleep.


"Enjoy your meal."

Mrs Lee placed the last dish on the table and bowed. She was our maid who was in her forties. She seemed friendly but didn't talk at all. And I know why.

Kim Taehyung asked her to not talk to me. So she kept her distance.

"Thank you for the meal." I smiled and started eating. The food was delicious and I ate every bit of it.

I saw Mr Taehyung's plate which still had some food left. He wiped his lips and was a about to stand up. "Mr Kim?" He looked at me.

"Wasting food is a sin. Please finish your food."

I hate wasting water, paper and especially food. I am really sensitive to these things. A lot of people do not have enough and here we are wasting without even thinking.

I looked up to see his reaction. He tightened his jaw at my request and took a deep breath before sitting back slowly. He picked up his chopsticks and finished his food. His expression was a bit darker than usual but that somehow didn't scare me.

When he was done wiping his hands for the second time, he held my hand. His grip was tight so I tried to pull back with all my strength. It started to hurt.

"Mr Taehyung." My tone was stern but he didn't let go.

"Don't. Cross. The. Line."

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