Chapter twenty two

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This is the twist that I was talking about. Hope you like it and do vote and comment. 💜 vote in the previous chapter too💜


Kim Taehyung.

I took a deep breath and immediately turned around to move away from him. My nostrils flared in utmost anger as I looked at him with all the hate I could manage to gather.

"You!" I spat and sped walked to him only to swing my palm against his cheek. I didn't stop with just one slap. I did it again. But he caught my wrist.

"One is enough angel."

"Enough? Enough?! You killed and beheaded my friends! The slaps aren't enough for someone like you!"

Everything was out of control and what he did was unexplainable and unforgivable. "I'm going to call the cops! I will tell them everything!" I started to move but he again held my wrist to pull me to him. He was all calm and unbothered as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Angel, don't say that."

He turned me around making my back hit his chest. One of his arms was wrapped around my waist while the other one crossed against my collarbone to hold my left shoulder. He trapped me in his arms.

I looked in front and noticed the strong banging on the door. They were trapped too. I cried helplessly.

"Ssh," He moved his lips to my ear, whispering in his deep voice, "Angel, they were hurting you. They hate you. They hit you." His lips went from my ear to the side of my face tracing blood. I was mad. But more than that I was scared for the people who were inside. I had to do something.

"Mr Kim please. I'll do whatever you want. But please don't do anything to them. P-please." I lost all my strength and looked down. Their screams were terrifying and I wanted to save them.

"No angel. You don't understand. People who hurt you no longer deserve to live."

"You are wrong Mr Kim. You don't get to decide if they'll live or not." My eyes were burning with tears by now. I squirmed when he loosened his hold on me. I pushed him with all my strength and tried to run to the hall.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you my angel." He chuckled at the end. Turning around I saw a smirk on his face. Ignoring it I sped walked till the impact of a sudden blast threw me back. My head hit the floor as I lay limp facing the once beautiful hall into shreds in fire.

The bright flames consumed the entire hall. No more screams. No more curses. Just fire, blood and dead bodies.

"N-NO!" I shouted with my remaining strength while still lying in the same position. My tears didn't stop flowing down my cheeks as I began sobbing loudly. They were not supposed to die.

I was still conscious but my body couldn't move. Was it the impact of the blast or the weight of the guilt that pushed me down?

I shut my eyes close and opened them again only to find a pair of feet walking in my direction. He stopped in front of me and crouched down to look at my face. He caressed my exposed cheek.

[Completed]Yandere Love-Ft. BTS' Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now