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Don't forget to check out my Jungkook demon fic!❤️💜
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10 years later


"Good morning Angel."

Mr Kim, my husband, pulled my sleeping body closer making my back touch his chest. He rested his head in the crook of my neck nuzzling the tip of his nose on my skin. I smiled with my eyes closed.

"Good morning Mr Kim-"

My body squirmed in his embrace as he planted wet open mouth kisses on my bare shoulder. His hand went from my breast to the south of my body, slipping them inside my panty. I let out loud moans when his long fingers teased my womanhood.


He quickly turned me around and kissed me passionately. His arm went around my waist as he dipped his face in my neck harshly nipping on the skin. I pulled his hair and arched my back letting him know how good he made me feel. He pulled away to look at my pleading state.

The look in his eyes, even after all these years, never changed. It's like he was looking in my soul through my eyes.

I wanted more.

He smirked when he saw me lean in to kiss him.

But then..

"Mumma! Open the door!"

Someone banged on the door making Mr Kim sigh in frustration. He shook his head and moved back. I didn't like the way he showed his disappointment. So I leaned in again and wrapped my arms around his shoulder to kiss him hard.

He didn't say anything but I could a feel him smile into the kiss.


"Go." He nudged me to go while he covered himself with the duvet.

"Good morning my munchkin!"

I hugged our eight year old son, Yeontan and pecked his cheeks multiple times as he giggled, pulling away. "Eomma! I'm a big boy!"

"Okay okay." He relaxed but then laughed when I kissed him again. He moved back and went to the bed only to stop his movements. He looked at his father and bowed.

"Good morning appa."

"Good morning."

Kim Yeontan, or Tannie as we call him was scared of his father. Mr Kim was not the type of person who shows his paternal love out in the open. He speaks less and doesn't express himself so Tannie is intimidated by his presence. He does love his son a lot but never showed it.

"Come here." I lied down on the bed and called Tannie to sleep with me. Mr Kim hugged me from the back while my son rested his head against my chest. Since Mr Kim wasn't that affectionate, I had to shower my baby with double the love.

"I love you Mumma!" I caressed Tannie's hair as he smiled looking up at me. He moved up a little to kiss my chin. He really loves me a lot. He hugged me tight not letting me go anywhere. He is a Mumma's Boy.

"I need attention too." Mr Kim placed a few pecks on my neck and pulled me closer.

Typical Sunday Morning

I came back from grocery shopping to find no one in the house. It was empty. Minutes later Mr Kim entered the house with Tannie by his side. Tannie looked happy as he held his father's hand. He had a chocolate in his hand.

[Completed]Yandere Love-Ft. BTS' Kim TaehyungWhere stories live. Discover now