Chapter thirty four

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Ig: deepanshi.chinki

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"Let's break up Jimin."

He looked at me with sad eyes. A defeated sigh left his lips as he kept the painting back in its place. He walked to me and stood at a distance.

"You really hate me that much?"

The moment that question was thrown at me, my heartbeat sped up. I looked down at my feet as tears threatened to fall on my cheeks. I have to be strong. You can do this Meera. It's all for Jimin.

"N-no. I don't hate you. I can never hate the best thing that ever happened to me."

I softly said and looked up to meet his eyes. His eyes were tearing too. He took another sigh and finally embraced me in his arms. I couldn't keep it in and cried on his shoulder. I clutched his shirt as his hand caressed the back of my head.

"Please don't push me away." He said and I cried harder than before.

I cried like that for a few minutes before finally pulling away to breathe properly. He wiped my cheeks with his fingertips and brought up his sleeve to clean my nose. I was about to move away but he stopped me.


"Ssh." He wiped all my tears gently. My eyes softened looking at him. He was searching for words to say to me while wiping my tears.

"I know that I've been clinging on you. I was supposed to give you some time and space but I was afraid that I'd lose my chance to make you fall for me."

I didn't get what he was saying so I waited for him to continue. His hands went to hold my waist while he leaned forward and rested his head on my shoulder facing away from his neck. My hands were automatically wrapped around his shoulders.

"Sometimes I feel that I forced you to be with me. I proposed you in front of our families and you couldn't refuse even if you wanted to. We didn't date for a long time and I'm sure that you don't know some things about me. I should've been patient with you, especially after your accident but I couldn't."

I wanted to interrupt and tell him that it wasn't like that but he sensed my movements.

"Let me say it please." I didn't say anything and he slowly rocked our bodies side to side.

"When I found about your amnesia, I was a little happy. I thought that it might be a chance for me, for us, to start all over again. I thought that maybe this time I can make you fall for me. But..." he sighed heavily, "...If you want to break up, I'm ready for it."

I tightened my arms around him. My heart was shattering into millions of pieces. I cried again. He moved back and again wiped my tears.

"I really wanted to know one thing. But now that you've lost your memories..."

He slightly shook his head and fully pulled away, moving a few steps back. I didn't let go off his hands.

"Ask me. What if I know?" I smiled seeing him give me a small smile.

"Did you ever love me?"

I didn't know how to answer it. My brain was thinking of ways to tell him but then it was all confusing.


He shook his head with a small smile. He then turned around and was about to leave.

"My diary.." 

"A few days back I found my diary."

He stayed still when I moved my eyes up to see him fully. He looked a bit confused.

"I was crazily in love with you Jimin. You have no idea how much I cared for you. Even if I had to give up my own life, I'd do it without a thought."

"Meera you-"

"You scrunch your nose when you find something cute, your small pout whenever your whine; your eye smile when you smile. That broken tooth, your habit of pushing your back..."

I tightly clutched my skirt against my thighs as my eyes dropped low to hide my tears. All these things about him, I noticed them long before reading them in the diary. After controlling my tears, I looked up to see him.

"Your eyes sparkle when you talk about me, about us. I know Jimin. I wouldn't have known a thing if I didn't love you."

And that was it.

He hastily walked in my direction and immediately cupped my cheeks to press his lips against mine. Our heavy breaths filled the room. My hands held his elbows as I lost myself in his touch.

I love you Jimin.

I played with my engagement ring. I was supposed to give him back but things turned out differently.

I was startled when Vante suddenly entered my room. His aura looked dark. For a moment he stood at the door breathing heavily. He was beyond angry and furious. He was mad.

His dark eyes boring into mine as he roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged me with him.

"What are you doing?! Mrs. Lee!"

Balancing myself on the stairs, I managed not to trip myself to match his pace. Fighting against his strength was not a good idea.

"Taehyung! Where are you taking her?!"

Mrs. Lee came out of her room and tried to get a hold of her son but he pushed her away without a care. "You fucking stay away!"


Her head hit the wall as she slid down holding her head. I tried to look back to see if she was at least conscious. Her eyes were slightly open. She tried to get up but it was too late.

"Get in."

Vante opened the car door and pushed me inside the passenger seat. My mind went blank. My body started to tremble when he stepped on the accelerator.

"You need to learn your lesson Doll." He maniacally laughed and increased the speed making my head spin. Since it was almost midnight, the roads were empty.

I was scared. My heart wasn't at ease seeing his sinister smile as he drove.

"Wh-where are we?"

The place was unfamiliar. There was forest on either side of the road. No vehicle, no form of life whatsoever.


He smirked and pointed ahead. I narrowed my eyes but the darkness didn't let me see a thing. Vante switched on the brighter headlights of the car.

I immediately cupped my mouth as tears welled in my eyes. It didn't take long for them to flow down my cheeks. My body started to shake uncontrollably at the sight in front.

Park Jimin.

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