Chapter nine

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"It's going to be a long talk." Kim Taehyung said, gesturing us to sit on the sofa opposite to him.

My father went ahead and sat, with my mother following him while holding my hand. She was scared, more than me. Her hand was tight around my small ones.

"So to cut it short.." Mr Kim began speaking.

"I like your daughter, my angel. I want her to be with me because she deserves the best. I want her to live with me so that I can keep her safe."

His eyes didn't leave mine as he said those words. He looked me in the eye without blinking which gave me goosebumps. He is definitely sick. He needs a doctor and not me.

My mother sensed my discomfort. She shifted towards me while protectively embracing me from the side. I looked away from Mr Kim and turned to my mother with a small smile. Everything will be okay. Right?

"I suggest you pack your bags my angel."

He stood up from his seat and walked in my direction. He hadn't even taken two steps when my father pushed him away. His nose flared his anger showing how frustrated he was with Mr Kim's words.

"HOW DARE YOU?! Just get out!" My father yelled at the top of his lungs. His loud and hoarse voice was filled with fear and worry.

"Mr Suri. You don't understand it. I want your daughter-" before he could complete his sentence, my father stepped forward and slapped him in rage. He slapped him!

Mr Kim still remained expressionless. He poked the inside of his bruised  cheek with his tongue and then turned to look at my father.

In a blink of an eye, he grabbed my father's arms and slammed his against the nearest wall. His front was against the wall as Mr Kim held his hands. He twisted his arm as my father screamed in pain. Then he took out a gun and kept it at the back of his head.

"No!" I stepped towards him but he motioned me to stop.  "No my angel." I halted my steps but my mother couldn't. She moved forward to save her husband.

"Bad move." He said lowly and shot my mother's leg. "Aaah!" Like that wasn't enough. He shot all the showpieces which were kept on the table at the corner. I covered my ears in fear. The sound of the gun, shattering of showpieces on the floor and the horror filled screams of my parents was too much. I couldn't handle it.

"Please! Stop this!" I screamed too, not being able to take it in. I crouched on the floor still holding my head in pain.

"Angel." I heard footsteps coming towards me. Someone held my shoulders which made me look up. Kim Taehyung.

"Are you Okay? Do you need something?" His usual deep voice sounded unusually comforting. I nodded at his question.

"What do you need? Tell me."

"I want this to stop. Just go. Please." I begged. Tears streamed down my cheeks seeing my mother cry. I looked in her direction and sobbed loudly. Her leg was bleeding.

Mr Kim stood up and left without saying anything. A few minutes later when I was trying to look for the first aid kit, someone rang the doorbell. I went down to check who it was.

"Hello. I am Dr Kahi. Mr Kim sent me." The lady smiled at me and I led her in. She immediately went to my mother who was lying on the couch with all the mess around her. My father sat motionless and it scared me.

"Take these medicines for seven days. And here is my number. Contact me when needed." I nodded and went out to see her.

When I went inside my father was cleaning the living room. He was picking up the broken pieces and I helped him. "I'm sorry." I said.

"It's not your fault." He replied without meeting my eyes. I controlled my tears and helped him with cleaning everything. Mumma was resting in her room and soon papa joined her. I went to my room and lied down, thinking on how to solve this mess. My phone buzzed interrupting my thoughts.

Unknown: I'm sorry my angel. Forgive me.

Unknowingly tears welled in my eyes and flowed down my cheeks. I covered my mouth and cried helplessly.

What has my life become?


"Monitor their movements." I said in a low tone but Baek Hyung understood it. He nodded and went to do the needed work.

I opened my laptop and saw my angel. She was sleeping peacefully in her room. A small smile made its way to my lips as I watched her. I raised my hand and touched the screen wanting to touch her badly.

I will get you my angel. Just you wait.

I picked up her blue scarf which was on the table and brought it to my lips and nose. I rolled my head back at the feeling. This smells so nice. I could smell it all day.

"Aah~" I moaned at the feeling as my hands travelled to my now hardened crotch. My hand went up and down the length while breathing heavily. Her scarf was in my other hand as I sniffed it as if my life depended on it. I couldn't take it anymore. The throbbing was too much and it pained me. My lips parted slightly as I breathed out a moan.

I then stood up and went to the washroom to complete the mess I created for myself. I rubbed and pumped my length thinking about my angel doing it for me. I can imagine her soft hands around it which made me lose my mind.

"Yes! Yes! My an-angel~"

I fastened my pace on my member and rubbed it at an inhuman pace wanting to release quickly.


"Bring me the files. Right now." I ordered one of my employees. He just stood their fiddling with his fingers. Everything was obvious. He was nervous. He was thinking for an excuse. His pupils shook as he gulped. He didn't do the work.

"You're fired." I looked at Baek hyung.  He nodded and called someone to prepare the papers for the termination of the contract.

"Sir please. Don't fire me." He walked to me and begged me on his knees. "I have a family. My daughter was sick. I couldn't complete it. Just give me a few hours time."

I ignored his pleas and picked up my phone. Just then Baek hyung came to me with a serious expression.

"Miss Suri is leaving the country."

A/N: hope you liked it. It will surely get interesting.
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